The Truth

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Prince Yoongi's P.O.V.

Mad was an understatement. I was fuming and wanted to kill the person who let this happen. Maybe I should.

In front of me was a line of palace staff that were awake and active last night. To my surprise, Jimin was in the line. He was standing there with a worried expression on his face. He couldn't have done it... Could he?

I carefully looked at each person and studied them.

"Would anyone like to explain how the girl got out?" I lifted my eyebrow.

They turned their heads to look at each other. No one answered at first but then Jimin suddenly spoke up. 

"I am truly sorry, Sir. I was the one who left the door unlocked. Punish me in any way possible." He lowered his head down.

Just then another bodyguard stepped up and spoke.

"No. Park Jimin is innocent I saw her but failed to capture the girl."

I sent the rest of the people away and kept the two standing in front of me. 

"Tell me what happened," I asked quite sternly.

Jimin was the first to speak up.

"I was walking around the grounds when I heard some weird noise coming from the dungeon. I thought someone was interacting with the girl so I went down to check on her. She was alone and no one was around so I went back to bed. I guess I was so tired that I forgot to lock the door. Again, I am very sorry about this."

He finished his story and let the other guard tell his story.

"Last night I was restless so I got out of bed and went to get some fresh air. As I was walking, I bumped into Jimin. We talked for a few seconds but I sent him to bed. After he left, I saw someone running towards the gate. I thought it was some other guard but then I noticed that it was a woman. I was going to chase after her but she was already past the gates."

"Why didn't you call for backup or inform the other guards? Because of you, A dangerous person has been released into the kingdom!" I yelled at him.

"I am sorry." 

"Sorry isn't going to fix this. Guards!"

I called in the people stationed outside my door and gave them orders to throw the other guard in the dungeon. They took him away, leaving Jimin and me alone.

"Why didn't you throw me in the dungeon too. You know that I'm as guilty as him." Jimin said looking upset.

"He let the girl get away when could have chased her down."

"Throw me in too." He demanded

"No. I need you. Send out a search team to find her. I want eyes everywhere in the city. You can send out your agent again."

Jimin only nodded and walked out of the room.

Maybe he really was involved.

Y/N's P.O.V.

After Hoseok's sister drove you home, you told your parents what had happened. They agreed that it wasn't safe for you in the city and sent you back to your house. Nobody would know where you were then. Now was the only time that you thank your parents for living a 'quiet life'. Hyojin was in tears when she saw you again. After a long talk, she agreed to stay in the city with your parents. It was sad to leave them but you knew that it had to be this way. They called a cab for you and sent you away as fast as possible. 

Now, you were standing in front of your vacant house. It looked so empty without anyone inside. Hopefully, this was the right choice. It was time to go into hiding. 

Bodyguard Hoseok's P.O.V. 

I was expecting this. I don't regret anything though. But why did Jimin lie for me? I don't know. I'll have to ask him when I get out of here. My punishment wasn't bad at all. I just had to sit in here for two weeks and could only be fed rice and water. It's not like I cared. I just hope Y/N made it somewhere safe. Who knows what they're going to do to find her. I sighed and propped my feet up on the table. There were two other chairs in the room but I didn't use them.

"How is it?" 

I looked up and saw Jimin was leaning against the wall, looking at the floor. He walked in and leaned against the wall across from me.

"Pretty good. What are you doing here?"

"Just stopped in for a visit... So, why'd you do it?"


He lifted his eyes and raised his eyebrows.

"Don't try to deny it. I saw you help her on the security cameras. I'm not stupid, Hoseok. Why would you go and do something that I specifically told you not to do? What would you do if they found the recordings, huh? You would die!" He yelled the last part.

"I won't deny it then. Yes, I did help her escape but I don't regret it. I already know what would have happened to me but I still wouldn't regret any of it. I had to do what is right! You and I both know that it was wrong!" I yelled back.

"Yes, it was morally wrong and I know that you don't like to do anything that goes against your morals. But you have to realize that we don't get paid to do what we think is right or wrong! I need you to realize that Hoseok. I care for you and want the best for you, but I can't have you going around and setting prisoners free! Even if they are innocent!"

"Jimin, I'm sorry but I can't do that. I won't stop doing what is right... Even if my life depends on it." I said sternly.

Jimin let out his anger by kicking a chair. It hit the wall and fell lifelessly to the floor. He then picked it up and thew it at the other wall. I stood up and tried to calm him.

"Jimin! Calm down!"

I grabbed him by the shoulders and shook him.

"Stop! This isn't like you at all!"

He grabbed my collar and pulled me close to him. He intensely looked into my eyes and began to tear up.

"Why can't you just do what I say." He whispered.

I pulled my lips into a line and looked away.

"Hoseok, I don't want to lose you too." He cried.

I had no idea what he was talking about. I just pulled him into my chest and gave him a hug. He began to cry softly. I rubbed circles into his back and hoped he calmed down. I was just really confused right now.

"Jimin, I don't know what you're talking about. You won't lose me. I'm not going anywhere. I'll be fine down here. It's just two weeks." I told him softly.

"Hyung, promise me you won't do anything like this again." He whimpered.

"I can't promise you that." 

He pulled away from my embrace and wiped his eyes.

"I should go..." He mumbled.

He ran out of the room and locked the door behind him. I still wonder what he was talking about...
I DIDN'T UPDATE ON THURSDAY. I'M SORRY CHILDREN. Yo I've literally been passing out as soon as I get home from school. I'll need to start setting an alarm.

Anyway, how hope you enjoyed the chapter.

Love you!

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