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Y/N's P.O.V.

The next morning, you woke to an empty bed. Yoongi's side of the bed was cold meaning he's been long gone. You sat up and frowned. Where the hell did he go...

You pushed the covers off your body and got up to get dressed. Your maid wasn't with you but it didn't hinder you at all. In fact, her not being there made it more calming.

Once you were dressed and ready to go, you walked out of the room and into the hallway. At first you thought it was empty but you turned you head to be greeted by a smiling Hoseok.

"Ah, good afternoon Y/N. I didn't think you were going to ever wake up." Hoseok chuckled.

"Afternoon?! Geez, what time is it?"

"Uh, it is..." He looked down at his watch and smiled. "It just turned 12:10."

"Where's Yoongi? Did you see him leave this morning? He wasn't there when I woke up."

"Don't worry about him. He and Yeun-Sul went out at like, 8 in the morning to go somewhere. Er.. Something like that. I just heard them talking as they went out."

Of course they went out. What did I expect, she was all over him yesterday. I bet she picked the perfect time to get him alone when I wasn't around. Well jokes on her because I don't even wanna be around Yoongi anyways.

"I'm kinda hungry... What's for lunch?"

"I'm not sure but we can go find out. Oh yeah, Jin wanted me to tell you that he wanted to meet with you after you've woke up and ate. Something about lessons?"

You groaned pouted. He wants to do lessons right now? I though this was going to be like a vacation for me or something. Guess I don't really have a choice.

"I get the maid to bring you some food to your room for you. I doubt you wanna eat all alone in that big dinning room."

"Yeah, that would be nice thanks. I'll eat whatever honestly."

"Great I'll be back!"

You watched him leave his post and walk down the hall. Hoseok has been nothing but kind and helpful to you ever since you met. You couldn't be more thankful for him. He was probably the only person who was keeping you sane. Well, there was Taehyung too but you haven't seen him around for a while. He did mention something about Jin giving him loads of work.

You sighed and went back inside your room, closing the door behind you. You looked at the dresser and saw that Yoongi's book was gone. I guess he took it with him.

You sat down in one of the chairs by the window. The curtains were closed so you got up and moved them to the side. It looked like a nice day out. The sun was shining and there seemed to be a light breeze. It was nice enough for you to want to go outside.

After 20 minutes of waiting, there was a knock on your door. You told them to come in and in walked Hoseok with a maid rolling a cart of food for you. She left the cart in front of you and began putting dishes on the table in front of you. When she was finished, you thanked her and she left.

Hoseok sat down in the chair in front of you and smiled. "How's that for room service?"

"Pretty good for a bodyguard. And to think a couple months ago, you were spilling drinks on my friend." You said while starting to eat.

He scratched the back of his neck and tilted his head to the side. "It was my first time doing something like that. Besides, Taehyung needed my help and how could I say no to him?"

"Yeah that's true. Want some?" You offered him some of your food but he shook his head You shrugged and continued to eat. "I worry about him. I feel like Jin puts a lot of work on him."

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