Alone Together

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I felt like a bird as I leant off the edge of the Mapo Bridge if the view remained this pretty I wouldn't mind trying to fly. The crystal blue water shone so brightly because of the scorching red sun from above. It was truly beautiful.

It's ironic really as most things are in this world, the more beautiful they are, the more they're inclined to cause us pain if we got to close.

"You really shouldn't be on that side of the rail, you could fall you know" a voice spoke from behind me but turning the talk to him honestly was not a priority. A strong gust of wind caused me to slightly fall off balance but I regained my composure at the last second with the help of the stranger behind me.

"What reason could one possibly have to end their life?" he exclaimed keeping a firm grip on my forearm.

Sighing, I looked out further trying to see beyond the horizon, my reason was a simple one; I just want to be happy. I turned around and my breath hitched when my eyes landed on him, he was gorgeous, even his piercing blood red eyes were mesmerizing.

"Tell me human, would you be interested in making a deal?"

"Maybe, just what is it your proposing?"

"Anything your heart could possibly desire"

"If that's the case then I want you to be my friend..."

I started off confident but when I admitted that I wanted to befriend him I felt myself returning back to being timid and depressed. His eyes scanned me over a few times before he let out a low chuckle tilting his head back slightly as he did, "Deal but just know that what your selling is your-"

"I don't care" I interrupted catching him by surprise but once again his lips fell into a smirk.

"Okay then," he said slowly but then he pushed me and all I knew was that I was falling. That the deathly cold wind felt like needles piercing my skin but yet was somewhat pleasant. I knew that before I lost consciousness his lips suddenly touched mine and his eyes glowed as bright as hellfire.

And I heard the words, "Your soul is mine."


Hi Nuggets,

I'm here with a new fanfic and this one is going to be a little different. Ah I hope you like leave your thoughts and I promise that the next chapter will definitely be longer this one was just kind of a prologue to the story.

And take a guess at who is the one pushed off the bridge, Jimin or Jungkook?

So love yourself, love myself ;)

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