Tomorrow Tonight

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"How's your vision? Blurry?"

I sighed when Jin insisted on continuously shining a light in my eye, "I told you I'm fine, I just fell over"

"You need to start caring for yourself Jimin. Jungkook may have my head if something happens to you" he said scratching the back of his neck slightly.

"Jin?" He hummed in repsonse not bothering to look up as he scribbled away on his clippboard, "how come Jungkook frets over everything little thing when it comes to me? This morning he wouldn't even let me stay in our bed without making sure I ate and showered" I said laughing a little.

"Jungkook~ I don't want to" I whined burying myself further into the covers. He sighed tugging the blanket a little despite my protests.

"Get out of bed Jimin, we need to go I have a meeting today with Hoseok. You need a shower and breakfast" he huffed. I groaned when he managed to get my head our from the covers. He was already dressed and his hair was messily brushed. His lips have the tiniest shimmer which made them look oh so kissable.

"Why do I have to go? Hoseok doesn't even like me" I pouted, which caused him to chuckle and in my moment of weakness pull the blanket right from my body. I shivered due to the cold air ripping at the bare parts of my skin.

"Its not he doesn't like you" I glared at him, "Okay he really doesn't like you but he's just particular when it comes to things that threaten his position in my court"

"Well he's mean" I said crossing my arms. Jungkook laughed grabbing my clothes and placing them in my arms.

"Your very outspoken now Jimin"

I lowered my head and muttered a quick apology. I flinched when his hand  grabbed my chin but he gently redirected my gaze to his eyes, "Don't apologize for being yourself Jimin, ever"

I nodded and quickly scrambled out of the bed to take a shower like he wanted.

"Should I join you?" He asked "Have another repeat of a few nights ago?", I frantically shook my head embarrassed.

"Maybe next I could do you a favour Kookie?"

With that I slammed the door shut and tried to call my racing heart.

Jungkook wasn't there when I finished the shower and I was relieved. I wasn't sure how to face him but I haven't seen him since I said that to him this morning.

"Well I'm not sure what his exact reasons are Jimin but your... special. Jungkook doesn't usually take an interest in people for this long" Jin explained.

"Yeah he's just got fuck buddies" I spat. 

"Do I sense jealously?"



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