I Try to Smile

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"Jimin-ah you've been very quiet wasn't your idea to go into town?" Taheyung asked as he flicked my forehead. I gasped in pain and gripped the sore spot tightly, but then I frowned Taheyung was right, this was my idea but why aren't I more excited? 

Because he isn't here with you... 

Ah yes, that's right, Jungkook had important things to attend to today. I should have just rescheduled it and not been so self-centred. 

Our bodyguard Namjoon placed his hand on my shoulder, "The master said that if he had time, he would catch up with us later on"The weight of his words made me smile, they are both trying to cheer me up the least I can do is make this a fun experience. I nodded before running into the first shop I saw, "He also said you can take whatever it is you want" 

My eyes lit up and I let out a small squeal, "can I really go shopping?!" I beamed. 

Namjoom laughed as he ruffled my hair, "Of course. The master wishes for you to have anything you desire" 

I clapped my hands in excitement and ran into the closest store which just happened to be a clothes store. It was surprising to see stores like this in Hell, I suppose there has to be a way to satisfy people. 

"Is something the matter Young Master?"

"Just Jimin is fine" I smiled "But Hell isn't what I thought it would be at all. Everything is so civilised and well, normal" 

"I see, Jimin, there's a lot more to Hell which you haven't seen yet but the Master has ordered that you are not to see the worst of hell" 

Namjoon had a distant look in his eyes, it was like he was momentarily taken away in a past memory.  He shook his head before flashing me a smile, but the smallest amount of fear was evident in his eyes. I wonder how bad it could really- 

"Trust me Jimin" Tae interrupted coldly "You really do not want to know how bad Hell can be"

I slowly nodded, Tae obviously didn't want me to pry into it any further. From the stone-cold look in his eyes, he must have seen how bad Hell can really be. After a while of sorting through clothes, I finally found an item that piqued my interest. It was a plain black jumper, nothing special, nothing outstanding, which means its perfect for me. 

I held it up to Namjoon with a wide smile, "Can I get this please?" 

"Youn-" he stopped but then chuckled, "Jimin I've already said you can take whatever it is you desire" 

-Time Skip- 

By now I had been to pretty much every shop within my eyesight and to say I was exhausted was an understatement, but I still held a smile on my face.

"Jimin-ah haven't you had enough yet?"

I laughed as Tae collapsed onto the nearest bench. Beads of sweat covered his forehead and he had unbuttoned the topmost buttons on his shirt.

"How do you still look so happy?" He whined. I ran my fingers through my now sweaty hair and smiled sadly.

"It used to be the only thing we did together before he died" 

Tae sat up looking at me with a frown, "What do you remember about your brother?" 

"Not much" I chuckled sadly, "my therapist at the time said that I blocked out a lot of my memories of him after he died. The trauma of finding him that day damaged me a lot" 

"You're the one who found m-" 


My heart stopped, I was praying I wouldn't run into him today. My heart started racing and my breathing started to become frantic. I was panicking. 

I need Jungkook... 

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