The Good, The Bad and The Dirty

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"I can't sleep here"

"Why not?"

"Because this your room"

"What's your point?"

"I can't sleep with you"

"Why not?"

I felt like bashing my head against the wall, Jungkook wasn't listening to me, that or he just didn't understand why I couldn't sleep in the same bed as him.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt his breath on the back of my neck, "Are you letting your imagination run wild?"

A gasp escaped my lips when he licked a strip up my neck, "N-no I'm not"

"That's a shame 'cause I am"

Jungkook's hands found their way to waist and settled with a firm grip. I whimpered when he sucked hard on a piece of flesh at the top of my neck.

Slowly Jungkook turned me around and started to lay me down on the bed. His bed was soft, just like his lips.

What am I thinking? I bearly know him...


I couldn't help but moan his name because of the wonders he was doing on my neck but then he slowly started to divert his attention to my collarbone.

Everything he was making me feel was new and above all, thrilling. Deep down I was embarrassed because of how exposed I felt beneath him but I also had this sense of excitement that I couldn't shake.

His hands held my waist firmly for a brief time but then started to move under my shirt. It was like every part of me went on the defense.

The moment ended as soon as it came about.

"Jungkook stop" I whimpered but his hands kept progressing further and further under my shirt.

And when they reached a certain spot my body went into overdrive. Without thinking or hesitation I brought my knee that rest between his legs up. Once they made connection with his 'bits' he instantly dropped to the floor.

That was it. I panicked and ran into the closest room, which just happened to be his bathroom. Locking the door behind me I fell to the ground with my head in my hands and tears staining my cheeks.

"Jimin what the hell?!" 

I wanted to scream at him in that moment, but things I wanted to let off my chest had nothing to do with him. He did nothing wrong...

It was my fault.

My fault for being a pathetic and insecure little kid who had created ever lasting demons on his skin.

So I sat there in isolation, with Jungkook calling my name from the next room with tears in my eyes and sobs escaping my lips.

What a pathetic mess I am, even after I had been rescued from death.

Although would death really been that bad?


Hi guys~

So sorry I haven't been able to update lately I've been sick.

But I hope you like it.

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