Boulevard of Broken Dreams

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I wondered the halls of Jungkook's castle with a hundred thoughts running through my head, and my fingers placed lightly on my lips.

We're supposed to be friends...? Right?

But friends don't kiss other friends, well as far as I'm aware, I never had any friends. Yes I am gay and completely inexperienced in all areas but I do know that you don't kiss your friends...

"Wait. Where am I?"

I was so lost in thought that I didn't noticed that I somehow took the wrong turn in the castle. Now I stand before a busy boulevard in a 19th century looking city.

For a second I thought maybe that this all had been a dream but then I spotted someone that reminded me where I was.


He spotted me almost instantly and that's when my heart stopped. I watched as his lips curled into a smirk. He brushed his platinum blonde hair away from his eyes and he started to make his way towards me.

With every step, with every breath he took, I could feel the life drain out of me. Although went he stood not even a meter away from me I nearly stopped breathing altogether. 


"I thought it was you Jimin" he smiled, his eyes scanned every inch of my body several times as he licked his lips slightly, "I was wondering how long it would be before you joined me here"

Yoongi closed the gap between us but I couldn't move to recreate it. I was motionless, fear struck my very core while my mind ran a thousand miles a minute but still remained silent. The feel of his breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine and the smell of his cologne made me sick to my stomach.

"Let me guess, you finally took my advice and ended your miserable life"

"I-I um d-didn-"

"Naw is my baby speechless?" Yoongi cooed as he reached out to place his pale hand on my chin, but once his skin touched mine I went into full panic mode. I tried to step away but instead stumbled and started to fall backwards.


I don't know why I called his name at the time but I do know that in that moment it was the best choice I could have made.

Just as I was about to hit the pavement his arm slipped around my waist. Looking up at Jungkook I could see his eyes were once again the first red colour they were when we first met.

"What do you think your doing?" His voice was low and threatening, I was going to answer but I realised that his question wasn't directed at me.

"Nothing Sir, just reminiscing with an old friend"

Yoongi sent me a flirtatious wink as he licked his lips ever so slightly. I moved closer into Jungkook who merely tightened his hold around me.

"Well I suggest you remember your place"

"Yes sir" Yoongi bowed before turning to me again, "I'm sure I'll be seeing you again, Jimin"

And just like that Yoongi left but the feeling that I indeed would be seeing him again never left me.

Hell is going to bring out my inner demons, oh the irony...

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