Cry Out

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"Hoseok stop looking at Jimin like that" Jungkook's voice rung through the hall which caused me to jump at how loud he was. I picked at my food while taking quick glasses at Hoseok who continued to glare in my direction.

"Hobi why are you so mean to little Jiminie?" Jin mused with a wide smile on his face. Namjoon literally became three shades whiter at how straightforward Jin was but he only got waved off. I could see from the look in Jins eyes that he was enjoying the situation way, way too much.

Jungkook decided to bring everyone down for dinner, well everyone being the people I know. I didn't mind I even suggested that he invite Namjoon despite his protests. He said Namjoon is just a guard and he should remember his place but I think he deserves to join us.

"Can't we just eat our food?" Taehyung muttered pushing his food around on his plate grumpily causing me to frown.

"Is something the matter Tae?" I asked quietly causing everyone's attention to turn on me because those were the first words I had said to group all night.

"It's nothing" he mumbled not looking up to meet my eyes.

"Are yo-"

"I SAID ITS NOTHING!" He yelled before stormining out of the room. I watched with my jaw dropped as he slammed the door behind him. That's the first time he's raised his voice at me...

"Woah Jimin you look like your about to cry" Namjoon said surprised, I shook my head and quickly rubbed my eyes.

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry!

"N-no I'm fine" Crap. Why did I have to stutter?

Haven't you cried enough?

"You don't like people raising their voices" Hoseok pointed out with a bit of a smile, "why is that?"

"Hoseok back off" his voice was threatening but I watched as Hoseok threw his hands up in surrender. The others all watched silently but I knew that all wanted to know the answer.

"It's fine Jungkook"


"I said it's okay" I interrupted him which caused him to frown. I don't like seeing him have such a sad look on his face because of me. It hurts. "But yes" I said turning my attention back to Hoseok, "I don't like when people raise their voice at me. My parents were verbally abusive towards me amongst other things." Jungkook placed his hand on my thigh giving me the reassurance I desperately needed.

"You are an interesting human arent you?"

Jin sighed clapping his hands together which caused me to jump but thankfully he didn't notice it."Alright how about we finish our meal hmm?" he suggested.

I nodded and shoved bits of my food into mouth. The atmosphere settled down after that and we ate in silence, well aside from the teasing Jin was giving Namjoon. It was cute. I think that they like each other but I think it's complicated, I still don't really understand the underworld very well.

Hoseok, well I don't understand him at all. He's curious about me but then next thing I know he's mean to me. I haven't done anything to upset him as far as I'm aware.

And there's Jungkook...

He's sweet but can be very, very scary but I like the way he holds me. The way he smells. How he knows that I now can't sleep without him beside me. The way he accepts all my flaws and insecurities, and doesn't pry about my past.

I like him...

"Are you tired?" Jungkooks face suddenly appeared in front of me scaring me a little bit. I went to say no but a loud yawn interrupted me. I flushed bright red as everyone laughed. "I'll take that as yes" he smiled "lets get you to bed hey?"

I nod trying to stop my face from growing even redder as I motioned for Jungkook to carry me. His smile only got bigger at my request, "such a big baby" he mumbled picking me up with out hesitation mind you.

My arms wrapped around his neck tightly while I shoved my face into his chest. Sighing in content I moved my face so I could see everyone else, "Goodnight everyone" I mumbled.

"Have a good evening Young Master" Namjoon said quickly standing to bow. I went to protest about him calling Master but Jungkook had a deadly vibe rolling off him.

"Jimin I want you to come visit me soon. Youre unusually fatigued, so I just want to run some tests okay?"

"Don't worry Jin, I'll bring him" Jungkook said waving goodbye as he carried me back towards our room. I kept glancing at the door as he placed me down onto the the bed.

I wonder if Taehyung is okay? Should I go and see him? But I don't want him to be angry with me again. Although there's something bothering him, I know there is. Not just because he yelled at me but because you could hear the pain in his voice. It was heartbreaking...

"Thinking about Taehyung?"  Jungkook asked, as he laid down beside me but effectively bringing me with him.

"Yes" I whispered snuggling into his chest, I let out a content sigh as he ran his fingers lightly up and down my back.

"Wanna go see him?" I shook my head, "That's probably for the best, Taehyungs outbursts aren't always the easiest to deal with"

"I'll go and see him in the morning"

There are things I wanted to ask Tae. He knew Yoongi and I want know how...


All done! This book will probably be a long one is thag okay?

But I already have ideas for a sequel and stuff too.

I hope the story is going okay!!!

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