Let Me Down Slowly.

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Jungkook POV

"I should have known better Jin" I said sighing loudly. Jimin was laying on a hospital bed once again because of something I should have prevented.  

After I found him in Taehyungs room, I had called Jin who appeared and managed to get Jimin to pass out so we could deal with the situation. A day has passed since then. I should have known better...

"Yes, you should have" Jin sassed as he took Jimins vitals, "Jungkook you know what what happens when Taehyung starts acting out and you knew that he was Jimins brother. Yet you didn't listen to any of the advice I gave you and now you're paying for it"

Jin was right, I was a fool.

"I'll never learn will I?" Chuckling I watched as Jin finished up with Jimin and turned to me with his hand resting on his hip.

"Not any time soon I'm afraid, you're still the foolish little boy I raised all those years ago"

"Yes, I suppose you're right..." I mumbled staring down at Jimin with a soft smile on my face, he looked sort of peaceful as he slept but I know he's in pain.

A wound of the heart is the most painful of all...

"What are you going to do now Jungkook?"

"I'm not really sure Jin, it's been such a long time since I've been so uncertain about something" I sighed as I rubbed my temples trying to prevent the headache I knew was coming.

"You really care for this human, don't you?"


I was interuppted by a loud groan that came from the boy beside me. He rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up. I resisted the urge to smile as I watched  Jimin ruffle his already messy bed hair and let out the cutest little yawn. His eyes were still slightly red and the same could be said for his cheeks but nonetheless he still looked beautiful to me.

"Jungkookie?" Jimin mumbled holding his arms out.

He's such a baby, but hes my baby...

I didn't move quick enough so Jimin took it upon himself to move so he was sitting on my lap with his head resting on my chest. His breathing was shallow, and his body felt kinda stiff against mine.

He hasn't remembered what happen yet. I don't want to see his pretty little face cry anymore but its necessary.

"Jimin-ah about what happened-"

"Is he...?"

I gripped Jimins thin frame tightly as it started to tremble, I could feel his tears soaking my shirt once again. Jimin had bunched the remnants of my shirt in his fists, he's upset again.

Human emotions are so complex and Jimin feels all the bad ones so intensely.

"Is he what, love?"

"Is Taehyung, is Taehyung d-dead?" Jimin stuttered causing my let out a slight laugh. He's so precious. With one hand I rubbed his back lightly and with the other I held the back of his head, knotting my fingers into his soft hair.

"Love, Taehyung died a long time ago. How can he die again?"

At that Jimins head shot up and looked at me with wide eyes, his mouth fell slightly ajar at my words. I brought my hands up to his face and wiped away the tears from his bloodshot eyes and blotchy cheeks.

"He's still alive?" He whispered a small smile creeping onto his face. A look of relief covered his face and he let out the biggest breath I didn't know he was holding.

"Taehyung gets like this from time to time, it's not the first time he's done something like this. Give him a few days and he'll be awake, you'll be able to talk to him then"

Jimin nodded and brought his cute little sweater paws up to hide his face. Damn I love when where's my clothes, it's so hot on him.

"How about I run you a nice warm bath? How does that sound?"

"I like that idea Jungkookie" he smiled.

I pinched his baby cheeks which caused his to squirm away from me with a laugh, "What's with the nicknames love?"

"Do you not like them?" He pouted.

So cute.

"I never said that" I laughed and lifted Jimin up by his thighs so he had no choice by to wrap his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. Jimin mumbled something I didn't quite catch as I carried him back to our room.

Our room...

I sat Jimin down gently on the edge of the sink while I ran the bath for him. I also placed one of his scented bath bombs he picked up while he was out shopping. I don't really understand the appeal to these things but Jimin seems to like them so that's good enough for me I suppose.

Once the bath was ready I turned to make my leave, but I was stopped by Jimin who grab back of my shirt, "stay  please?" He asked timidly causing me to smile. My Jimin is full of surprises lately.

"Of course love"

Jimins face exploded into a bright crimson colour as he turned his back to me. I watched intently as he slowly started to take his clothes off.

He started with pants, he slowly pushed them down but had to wiggle his cute little booty a bit for them to fall down around his ankles. I watched as he hesitated a little before pulling down his under pants. Sucking in a breath I resisted every urge to walk over and grab his soft juicy little ass in my hands.Next was his jumper his hands lingered at the hem of it for a while.

"I can leave..."

"You already know what's the point in hiding it" he mumbled quickly throwing off his jumper. My breath hitched because of the sight of hi bare shoulders, who knew they could be so sexy?

I watched as a butt naked Park Jimin slowly climbed into the scented and bubbly bath. He quickly submerged his body in the bubbles making sure to keep his chest out of my line of sight. Jimin sighed slowly leaning his back against the edge of the tub, without a second thought I moved behind the tub and slowly started wetting and playing with his hair leaving us in a comfortable silence.

"Jungkook?" Jimin spoke after a short time, I hummed in response, "If Taehyung can't die then why did he do that to himself?"

"Well" I started as I massaged the shampoo into his scalp, "It's not that he can't die, it's just rather difficult. The souls I collect here basically live a normal human life. They eat, sleep, love, hurt and live but its hell, there are consequences, punishments and all those other good things. Although the worst punishment of all is that as far as they are aware, they can't die"

"Then why would Taehyung do that?" He whispered tilting his back for me so I could rinse his hair out. I placed a quick kiss on his forehead and watched as he melted into my embrace.

"That's something you'd have to ask him love"

"Okay then, how does someone die in Hell?"

"Curious baby you are" I mumbled "But I think that's a discussion for another day" Jimin let out the cutest whine as he thrashed in the bath a little.

He's so fucking cute. I can't hold back anymore...

"Jimin I want you so fucking bad"


Heyyoo I'm back!! What do you think??

Some smut coming in the next chapter 😈😈

Thank you to all the comments votes and reads.

I purple you 💜💜💜💜

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