Dance with the Devil

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All day I watched the boy sit upon his throne listening to the complaints of many people. They spoke about dirty water supplies, poverty in certain districts and even the destruction of cities. The boy listened to all of them, taking in account everything they had to say, well that was until they brought in the prisoners.

I was confused and scared but the fear kept me bound to my chair and my lips sealed.

"Ah Kim Taehyung once again your on your knees before me"

Taehyung looked up at the boy through bruised eyes with a smirk, "Except this time it isn't for your benefit Jungkook, or should I say Lucifer"

Jungkooks eyes narrowed in disgust causing his eyes to flicker from dark brown to a hellfire red. One of the guards took this as a signal to punch Taehyung in the something which resulted him coughing his guts up.


Taehyung's eyes met Jungkooks once again but I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. He was sad, he held a great pain in his heart and his eyes showed as much but he masked it with hate and anger.

"You know what awaits for you, this is why you never cross me"

An iron maiden torture device was brought out but at the mere sight of it Taehyung starting screaming and thrashing against the hold of the guards.

"No Jungkook please!"

"You do not call me by that name!" Jungkook bellowed spreading the fear throughout the entire room.

"Jungkook I'll do anything, please, don't leave me in there to rot! You broke your promise to me not-"

I don't know what possessed me in that moment but all the fear and anxiety that chained me had disappeared and I moved from my chair and kneeled in front of Taehyung.

"Your not a bad person" I whispered sending him a soft smile. In that moment I could see the look in his eyes changed, something about my actions seemed to bring a spark of life back to his eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"He doesn't deserve what your about to do to him"

"Oh, and just would that be?" He smirked.

I tried to come with an answer, I really did but all I was able to do was stumble over my words. The rest of the people in the room quickly vacated on Jungkook's order, leaving just us three in the room.

"I want you to let him go, please?"

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" 

"I'm Park Jimin and I'm not telling, I'm asking. So please let him go?"

Jungkook thought it over but his gaze left me and honestly I felt so small in his presence.


Taehyung and I both let out a huge sigh in relief. I felt a huge weight come off my chest but I'm not sure exactly why. I'm pretty that I don't know the who boy who is kneeling in front of me looking at me like I am an angel of some kind.

"I'll get him escorted back to my palace but, as for you Park Jimin you'll be coming with me"

I gulped, what have I gotten myself into now?


And here with have it nuggets. The next chapter. Ah I'm liking how this is going. I'm doing short chapters but hopefully I'll be able to update more.

Well till next time my lovelies.

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