One Way Ticket

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Why is this so hard? It's been nearly an hour since I had arrived out front of Taehyungs door. Nearly hour has passed and I'm still standing here trying to muster up the courage to knock on his door.

How weak...

He knows Yoongi and I want to know how.

You won't, you're a coward.

"Ah fuck it" I mumbled and swung the door open in one go without even having the chance to rethink my actions but I was met by darkness, "Taehyung? Are you there?"

It's empty. Nothing but darkness I can barely see a thing. How can he stand to be in a room like this? Maybe I should turn on the light...

I wouldn't he doesn't care about you...

I shook away the bad thoughts and when I turned on the light I felt everything around me stop.


I walked for what seemed like hours, never once stopping. The rain got in my way but I loved it. No one could see how pathetic I was or the tears that I shed. They couldn't see the bruises on my body or sadness in my heart.

I just want to go home.

All of this just needs to stop. Yoongi I wish he didn't hurt me, if he had just left me it would have been so much easier.

Walking through the door that led to my house, I ignored everything around and headed straight towards my brothers room. I need his warmth, his love, for him to tell me it'll be okay.

But oh I wish I didn't. I wish I didn't go into his room that night. That I wouldn't have left my phone at Yoongis. That I would have gotten home just that little bit faster. Just anything that could have prevented this.

"Hyung, why are you-"

He's hanging. There's rope around his neck. Drool coming out from the corner of his mouth. Sweat all over his body.

He's dying.

"Mo**er! Fath**! He*p me pl**se!"

I'm trying to scream why aren't the words coming out of my mouth? I can't call for help. He's going to die! I need to do something, anything! What do I do?

I'm so useless, he's going to die...

No. No. No. Not again, he can't leave me again.

"Jungkook, help me please!" I screamed and this time my words came out loud and painful. Rushing over to Taehyung's hanging, lifeless corpse. I reached out to touch him but I gasped when I felt his skin, it's so cold.

Tear streamed down my face as I cried. I desperately tried to tear his body down but my hands were shaking to much to be able to grab the rope properly.

"Jimin..." I froze on the spot, his voice caused me to unravel further, "...just leave him be"

"How can you say that? Jungkook's hes-"

"He's already dead Jimin, Taehyung died along time ago, you know this"

Jungkook was cautious as he started to walk towards me, I could see in his eyes how scared I looked.

"You knew didn't you?"

"Listen Jimin I can expl-"

"No!" I yelled but it caused my voice to crack, " You knew that he was my, my..."

Jungkook let out a sigh and rubbed the nape of his neck, "its complicated Jimin" he said but that just made me angry.

"It's not" I spat "I trusted you and you lied to me!"

You knew this was going to happen Jimin, everyone always let's you down. You'd think we'd be used to it by now...


Okay, this is a bit short but I don't like changing POV in the middle of chapters. So I promise the next chapter will be longer.

Also I'm sorry I never proof read it. I'm lazy. Im sorrrrrrry.

And thankyou for all the comments. I appreciate you so much.

Love ya xx

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