He's Sweet but a Psycho

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"Ah~" I moaned as I tried to remove his lips from my neck but they wouldn't budge. Both my hands found there way to his chest in order to push  him away but the ecstasy he made me feel had me weak at the knees.

"Don't try to push me away Jimin, aren't we friends?"

I nodded now retracting my hands from his chest and entangling them in his hair.

"But this isn't what friends do Jun-" my thoughts and words were interrupted when Jungkook suddenly distanced himself from me.

"Oh really?" He hummed watching me. I knew my hair was a mess and there was gonna to be a massive hickey on my neck. I knew he was satisfied with the fact that I struggled to catch my breath and I knew he knew that friends didn't act like this.

"So tell me Jimin why do you want to be friends with someone like me?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb Jimin, I'm sure you've work it out by now" 

I gulped. I had figured it out but I didn't want to say it allowed because honestly, I was scared. Anxiety riddled me and consumed me to the point where I didn't want to admit what he was, I didn't want to admit what I had done.

"Well spit it out love, we both know that pretty mouth of yours shouldn't stay shut"

I shook my head closing my eyes, I don't want to say it.

"Are you refusing me?"

I shook my head again. I'm not denying him...

What if he does what he planned on Taehyung to me? What if he plans to torture me for all eternity?

"Jimin are you okay?"

What if he lied about being my friend? What if he just wants to humiliate me like everyone else?

"Jimin just breathe. You're okay"

What if he wants to break me? Destroy who I am?

"Jimin your hurting yourself!"

What if he wants to promise me that he'll never leave me and never hurt me? What if he lies?"

"Jimin?! Hey Ji-"



I would to thank Vintage_Romantic for the votes honestly can not tell you how much it made my day.

Thank you so so much.

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