You're a mess, I'm a mess

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Jungkook POV

Jimin. You're so precious to me, I've existed in this world for a long time and never has anyone looked at me the way you do. No one in this world has treated me the way you do.

Stroking his cheek one last time I let out a small sigh and I slowly detached Jimin's small frame from mine. He's been asleep for a few hours now and hopefully he'll remain that way for a few more.

I'm sorry for leaving you, but you don't understand the things i have to face in order to keep you by my side.

How far i have fallen, to let a mere human have such control on my emotions, its disgraceful

But i wouldn't change it, this human is worth being disgraced by. I truly believe that.

"You're going soft oh mighty king" he laughed before he started coughing up blood which made me smile.

"Know your place peasant, you have no right speak in your position"

"I am a holy being scum, if anything you're existence plagues this world. You cannot speak down to me, just wait God will come for me"

At that i laughed, "God will not come for you. God will not lift his finger for any of you"

He never has, not even for his eldest sons.

"Thats where you're wrong Lucifer, he sung laughing despite the pain I knew he was enduring. How could he not, its been a few weeks since I had the angel in my company.

But why would they come here now? Its been many centuries since any of them attempted to break into my realm, into my Hell.

Many centuries since i last slaughtered so many angels...

"What was your purpose coming here?"

Patience is key in these situations, i try to remember that but angels just always seem to get on nerves. Egotistical pricks

"My patience is running thin, i suggest you tell me what i want to know"

He didnt say anything, and alas i caved, "Yeonjun bring the crown and make sure its well fitted"

Smirking I sighed realizing that i missed my little prince... hmm little prince i wonder how flustered he'd get if i called him that?

His cheeks and ear would go red as a cherry, his eyes would widen and his jaw would drop slightly before he would try to hide it all away with his hands.

My little prince, oh how i want you back in my arms.

"Try to not kill him" i said taking my stand and seeing Yeonjun tying his hair back in a little pony tail. Its vibrant colour made his eyes look even more sinful and gaze hold more blood lust. It was honestly such an attractive look on him but i already hit that decades ago.

Walking away from Yeonjun and the trash, I felt a surge if happiness as he started screaming. The sound being appropriate when you get holes drilled into your head.

This technique, if done correctly, allowed my victim to spill all there deepest and darkest secrets.

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