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I watched Jungkook out of the corner of my eye as he lifted his shirt over his head. I shifted uncomfortably and said nothing, neither did he. I silently watched as he stripped in front of me. 

After his outburst towards Hoseok earlier, Jungkook brought me back to his room. He hasn't said anything about what happened and I'm not sure he is going to but I know that I still feel uneasy about Hoseok said. Although, with Jungkook undressing the way he is, its a little hard to focus. 

From the corner of my eye, I could see how defined his abs were and how small his waist was. The way he tried to push his hair behind his ear made my body feel hot. I wasn't sure what was happening or why seeing Jungkooks body made me feel so flushed. 

But then I noticed something happening between my legs. I immediately jumped up from the bed and tried to rush to the bathroom but just before I could reach it Jungkook grabbed my arm. 

"Where are you going to suddenly love?" 

"I just have to go to the, um bathroom" I mumbled trying to tug my hand from his grasp but in a moments weakness I looked down, and so did Jungkook...

A smirk formed on his lips when he realized why I was in such a hurry, "So you were going to take care of this all on your own?" 

"Um well..." I trailed not really sure of how to answer him, and you could see in his eyes that he liked my response. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him, so both our crotches were touching. I gasped and tried to pull away from him but he made sure that he kept me close. 

"Now, now love, you aren't getting away from me so quickly" he whispered and before I could protest further Jungkook had already thrown me on the bed.


He smashed his lips against mine, I felt him tug on the waistband of my pants which caused me to gasp, allowing him to slip his tongue into my mouth. I didn't have time to protest because as Jungkook's tongue explored the inside of my mouth, he swiftly removed my pants and chucked them somewhere behind us. 

"Jungkook I'm not su-" and that's when he decided to place his palm on top of my briefs applying the slightest amount of pressure, not enough to make me complacent but enough to make me want more; and I did, I wanted all of him. 

My thoughts were a mess, my body was hot and my hands... well, they were now wrapped around his neck. Slowly Jungkook started to apply more pressure until I was squirming underneath him, "K-Kook.." I whimpered. 

"Yes love?" he breathed, I tried to pull him closer to me but he put distance between us, "Use your words darling"

"I-I want- I need.." I started to get frustrated because of my lack of inexperience and the lack of attention Jungkook was giving. My arms fell onto my face and I used them to hide the tears of frustration forming in my eyes.I couldn't tell him what I wanted and the exhaustion was still lingering but he heard me in my silent plea.

"Its okay love, I understand" he whispered as he slowly pulled my briefs down to my knees. Still not looking at made me hypersensitive to his every touch which is why when dragged his finger along the inside of my thigh I almost jumped out of my skin. But my breathing stopped when he grabbed my cock.

Just a simple touch made me squirm and whimper for more. Jungkook's laugh flooded my ears but then stopped when he kissed the inside of my thigh getting closer and closer to it.

"Look how hard your getting for me. I didn't know seeing me without a shirt would make you this excited" he whispered, "I've bearly touched you and your already a mess"

His hand slowly dragged up my cock before going back down, then he proceeded to kiss the base and my balls. I had read enough erotic stories to know where this might lead but I honestly didn't care, the way he's making me feel put any rational thoughts in the corner of my mind.

"M-more" I whimpered entangling my fingers in his hair while he continued to lick me but then he abruptly stopped causing me to whine. Although I was quickly shut up when he smashed his lips onto mine.

When he pulled away I was feeling for air once again and he held a smug look on his face.

"Is this not enough kitten?"I shook my head slightly, "Well I'll have to change that, won't I?"

And that is the end of that chapter. Aren't I mean??? I disappear and give you shitty smut and then leave it on a cliff hanger.

Hahaha. Enjoy ;)

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