Hello Darkness my Old Friend

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He held his arms open with a large smile as I lunged into his arms.

"I missed you" I mumbled into his chest, his chest vibrated as he let out a laugh.

His fingers combed through my hair ever so gently causing me to sigh in content, "Jimin I was only gone for a week" he smiled.

I shook my head hugging him tighter, "I don't care. You were gone for too long"

"Alright baby, how about we head inside?"

So I followed the boyfriend I loved oh so much back to his house, thinking that everything would be okay while i was in his arms.

But he changed. The Yoongi now approaching me was the monster I followed that day. He had changed. Deep down I knew something was off but love I had for that man washed any worries away I had.

"Did something happen while you were away?" I asked looking up from dinner. Yoongis how body was tense and he was constantly fidgeting which was very unlike him.

"I'm fine"

"Are yo-"

"Shut up Jimin! I said I was fine!" He shouted, tears instantly welled up in my eyes. I gently placed my cutlery down on and rose from my chair.

"Hyung" I whispered "please don't yell at me"

Yoongi scoffed shoving the meal I made for him roughly causing it to spill everything.

"Can't you act your age Jimin? Getting so worked up just because I raised my voice"

He got up to leave but as he passed me, he looked at me angrily and barged my shoulder knocking me straight to the ground.

"Pathetic" he spat and he left me on the ground just like that. Alone. Sad. A crying mess.

That was the first time I ever cried because of Yoongi. The first time I ever hurt myself because of Yoongi.

And it hurt. He really hurt me that night, his words cut deep but it only got worse...

"Jimin why are you in my apartment?"

"I just-" I couldn't say anymore because   I broke out crying. I held my head in my hands as sobs racked my body. My body shook violently but I couldn't stop. Everything was just to much.

My brother. My parents. Just all of it was to much for me to handle and I knew that I could go to my boyfriend for comfort.

"Jimin" he started but let out a sigh halfway, he knelt down and cupped my cheek in his hand. As rubbed his thumb over my cheek repeatedly my cries slowly started to fade.

I sniffed wiping my eyes with the edge of my jumper.

"Yo-" I squealed when Yoongi smashed his lips onto mine forcefully. I tried to pull away from the kiss but he held my head in place. I pushed his chest several times before he finally pulled away.

I gasped trying to catch my breath, "what the hell?" I whispered.

"Dont push me away Jimin" he growled crawling over top of me.

And just like that I let him have his way with me but it's not like I tried to stop him.

There was a time where I would do anything for Yoongi but now, I just want to run away. Run away as far and as fast as I can without ever looking back.

"Jimin I finally found you again baby" he smiled, out of instinct I grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be Taehyung.

"Yoongi" he growled catching Yoongis attention.


They both stood shooting daggers at each other.

They know each other?

"I thought I warned you last time Yoongi" Tae removed my hand from the back of his shirt and gently pushed me towards Namjoon who was just watching curiously at the events unfolding.

Yoongi smirked, "Hey Jimin?" He called gaining my attention, "You know who this-"

And just like that Taehyung lunged at Yoongi.

And I started panicking and crying.

Please come..


Yo~ I'm alive.

Guys we are almost at 2k reads???!?!!! What the hell?

You are all amazing

Thanks to everyone who is voting for the story. I'd love to hear from you please message me or comment.

Love youxx

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