Panic Room

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"You did what?" My voice shook and I couldn't have sounded or looked more pathetic as I put some distance between Tae and I. Knowing that my actions hurt him, I couldn't bring myself to stay in his embrace.

My Hyung is a selfless, kind and warm soul, there is no possible way that he could have killed someone, right? All my life I have this image of Taehyung embedded into my soul but right now, I'm questioning everything, and I honestly think that's what hurts the most.

"Who was it Hyung?" My voice just above a whisper and Taehyung froze, his eyes glossing over as he replayed the moment in his head, yet he still didn't answer me, "Hyung!" I shouted this time catching his attention.

Taehyung's composure crumbled and he started to breakdown in front of me, bawling into the palms of his hands crying "please don't make me!" and "I'm sorry Jimin."

With every moment that passed, I could feel my anger rising because I lacked answers until I finally exploded "TELL ME WHO IT WAS!"

"Y-Yoongi..." he whispered but it was so faint that I prayed I had heard him wrong, that the name he just gave me was wrong. Please, please let it be wrong "It was Yoongi, Jimin," he said a bit louder this time.

"Why would you-? He was my-" I breathed not wrapping my head around what he was saying.

Taehyung killed Yoongi. My boyfriend...

In mad rush Taehyung bowed in front of me despite the how much his body was shaking, "please just let me show you what happened! Please Jimin I'm begging you!" he pleaded desperately but I just looked at him sceptically.

"Show me?" My voice croaked "What does that mean?"

"Exactly that Jimin"

Jungkook's voice rung through the room startling both Taehyung and I. Pushing off his position against the wall he slowly made he was over to the edge of the so that he stood in front of me. Looking up at him with a heavy heart and a tear-stained face made me want nothing more than to be in his embrace while he rubbed my back gently and whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

He smiled at me gently before reaching up and touching Taehyung's forehead, who then collapsed on the bed, "Taehyung!"

"Don't worry about it love" Jungkook said as moved me so I was sitting comfortably in his lap "try and keep an open mind okay?"

"You already know what happened don't you?"

Jungkook flashed me one last smile before reaching down and placing a soft kiss on my forehead, "now its time that you knew as well"

Those were the last words he said to me before I fell into a deep sleep.

                                                                    THIRD PERSON POV
(Graphic language)

Taehyung watched his younger brother run out of their house with a smile on his face, a genuine smile; something older hadn't seen for a long time. Recently he had noticed the prominent frown that lingered on Jimin's face whenever he was home, especially when he could come home from his boyfriends. Taehyung had his concerns regarding Jimin's relationship with Yoongi but the younger always insisted that it was fine.

But Taehyung wasn't stupid he saw the bruises on the youngers fair skin, he noticed the signs but what could he do? Their parents wouldn't have cared if he mentioned as they were always too wrapped in their own problems to worry about their children. So the older just trusted Jimin and worried about him in silence, hoping that if the younger truly needed him he would come to him.

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