Can't Keep My Hands Off You

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It was somewhat awkward at dinner because Jungkook kept getting handsy with me under the table. No matter what I did he wouldn't stop, so ultimately I just started to ignore him, well, try anyway.

"Your quite calm considering your here with the Devil" Taehyung stated giving Jungkook a slight glare.

There relationship I must say intrigued me because there has more to it than just simple friends with benefits.

"I do have to agree with Taehyung on this Jimin" Jungkook added retracting his hand that once was on my thigh and moving it to rest under his chin, "That said Taehyung was a complete and utter mess when he first got here, you should have seen it"

Taehyung became defeated in that moment as he leant back into his chair with a pout, "Well do you blame me?"

"Um Jungkook?" I wanted to ask how it was Taehyung got here and what he meant but I didn't know how.

"You want to know how he got here?"

I nodded feeling a little sheepish, it really is embarrassing that I can't even ask a question sometimes.

"In Hell I take all of the souls my father doesn't want for example criminals also known as sinners" he explained and thankfully he put it simply for me.

"But Taehyung here is one of the more precious souls I collect and as such are given an option; life in Hell or oblivion"

"What makes him special?"

"Well my dear that's simple, Taehyung took his own life"

Taehyung looked guilty and utterly broken, he even looked as though he was about to cry at any second. I honestly felt bad for him but I understood whole heartedly.

"I see" I said Taehyung was like me...

"But don't worry Jimin, I chose to live here and I'm happy, for the most part"

I nodded and couldn't help my habit of anxiously running my fingers through my hair, "Then maybe he's here too..." I whispered but then got rid of the idea completely. I don't want to think about the possibility he's here...

"Is there anything else you'd like to know love?"

I shook my head but then that slowly turned into a nod, "Well?" He coaxed.

"Um I was wondering-" but then I started to feel light headed, "-if you could take me to where I'm staying please?"

"But tonight's guests haven't appeared  yet" he pouted. For the King of Hell he was quite cute when he wanted to be. He honestly isn't what I imagined he'd be. 

After a few moments he sighed and I could tell he had given into my request.

"Alright let's go" he mumbled directing me towards the door we entered through.

Bowing towards Taehyung I couldn't help but smile sadly, "I'll see you later Taehyung"

And then I followed the King of Hell to my room, well I should say his...


Hi, I'm so sorry that I haven't updated recently just been so busy with work.

I'm glad that the views are up and I'm so happy but please don't be silent readers.

But please don't forget to


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