Cracker Shadow

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Jungkook POV

"calm down Jungkook, stressing isn't going to fix the problem"

i glared at Jin, "how the fuck do you expect me to calm down when they're trying to take away my Jimin!" Jin shook his head sighing while muttering how I was an idiot under his breath, causing me to frown more. I wasn't being idiotic, I just wanted Jimin to remain with me, where he belongs. 

"Does Jimin even want to remain in hell?" 

For some reason his words made me want to cry,  the mere thought of Jimin leaving made me feel like my world would crash down around me. Jimin has been with me for so long now, I couldn't imagine him gone. 

"it doesn't matter whether he wants to or not, Jimin will remain here" I stated coldly turning my back on Jin, I don't want to hear any more of his nonsense, "He will stay, even if I have to kill every single angel in existence, they will not take him" 

"I know you care for the human Jungkook, but you're being selfish. Jimin still exists the human world, he still has a life there, maybe its time to let him go ba-" 

Something inside of me snapped, turning around I faced him with my hands clenched by my side. 

"I found him on fucking bridge Jin, he was going to kill himself! Do you even understand how painful his cries were?! He pleaded and begged for God to save him so many times, but where was he? Sitting up in the clouds with his head up his ass, so I stepped in" 

"Jungkook i-" 

"Do you even know the things that Jimin has gone through? When he got here he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't speak, he would hurt himself and the reason is Min fucking Yoongi, the prick tortured him mentally and physically. Even now he can't sleep without me, he needs me so that he won't have any nightmares. So why the hell would I ever let him go back?!" 

By the end, I was out of breath and Jin fumbled over his words trying to find something to say but I didn't wait for him because I stormed out the door. 

How could he say such things? Jimin will never go back to that place. God doesn't care about him, God doesn't care about anyone. 

Stop letting your emotions cloud your judgement. 

My judgement's been clouded since the day I found him on that bridge. Granted I could have let him die that day and inevitably he would have ended up here regardless, many of the others don't understand the importance of him keeping his humanity. 

All of them, including Jin my oldest of allies all have traces of their humanity, some more so than others but it's always there. For me, who never was human to begin with kind of longs for humanity sometimes, but even more so, when you die something changes within you. 

It's subtle but when you die something changes becomes darker, I'm not sure about the souls that go to heaven but the ones here always become tainted. Granted all the souls here are evil in some way, but my special souls always become twisted in some small way. It's kind of sad.  

I'm worried about how drastic the change that would be within Jimin if he was to die. 

"Jungkook where did you go?"  Jimin grumbled rubbing his eyes tiredly, he sat sleepily in the bed and held out his arms and instantly I moved so he was in mine, "is something the matter you seem tense?"

"Nothing's wrong love, don't worry your pretty little head about it" I said softly rubbing his back gently while he took deep breaths causing me to groan, "don't go back to sleep, let's get something to eat instead" 

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