The Kids Aren't Alright

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"Jin-ah fix him!"

"I can't your highness, he's mortal there's not much I can do. If he was any other demonic creature then maybe but mortals are fragile and complicated"

"What good is the King of Hell and the best doctor of the underworld if they can't heal a mere mortal?"

"Oh shut it Taehyung"

Their bickering was amusing to say the least but damn their voices are loud. I let out a loud groan as I gripped my head in hands. Jungkook went to say something but I immediately shushed him. I opened my eyes and instantly regretted it, the light is so blinding.

"Jimin are you okay?"

I let out sigh finally managing to swing my legs off the bed. I was obviously in a hospital room but I'm not sure why exactly I'm here. 

"I wonder why I'm here..."

Jungkook's jaw dropped and he looked at both Jin and Taehyung before returning his gaze back on me, "Are you kidding me right now?"

"No I meant why am I here with you..." I explained, "...not why I'm in the hospital, I know why I'm in the hospital"

Jungkook sat beside me and when he looked at me I didn't see the seductive impulsive man I saw before; I saw a boy who looked at me like I was something so fragile he didn't want to let me go.

"Because I heard your prayers and I heard them go unanswered"

Taehyung scoffed catching all of our attention, "You just wanted another fuck buddy and we all know it"

Jungkook glared at him but he instantly raised his hands in defense, "What? I'm just saying" he shrugged.

"Even if that's the case at least I'm wanted" I said happily but it pained me because no one ever seemed to want me for anything else.

"Is that why you were on the bridge? Because no one would have cared if you died?"

Taehyung shot up looking between us with such an unbearable look of pain, "What are you talking about?"

"I was going to kill myself" I sighed nervously running my fingers through my hair, "The 19th of May, the day just seemed fitting"

They all went silent but I just laughed because of everything that has happened in the last 72 hours. I'm in Hell with the King of Hell sitting beside me and an inmate I saved from death

"Alright then it's about time for tea and some light torture, we should be going" Jungkook said clapping his hands, pulling both him and I off the bed. I was a little wobbly on my feet but I expected as much.

"Sir please do be careful with him, he is mortal after all. Be sure to feed him properly"

I pouted, "Your acting like I'm a child"

Jungkook grabbed my hand lightly and started guiding both Taehyung and I around his place. Everything looked as how you could imagine a King of Hell's would look.

King of Hell...



I know that at this dinner there will be things I wish I had never seen but I have no right to interfere, again. No matter what or who he is, he took me in and became my friend.

But how wrong I was...

I was so naive to think I'd be able to endure this hellish place.

That I'd be able survive with my own demons and past...


On my way to work writing this. So sorry for the errors 🤷‍♀️


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