Small Doses

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"Jungkook stop" I giggled trying my best to roll away from the boy who was currently attacking my neck with kisses. Ever since I confessed to him about Yoongi he's been so kind to me, making sure to never leave my side unless it was important. 

But he's been also very, very affectionate. I don't know what we are, but I like what we're doing...

"Kookie" I moaned when he found the sensitive part on my neck. He only hummed in response but I could feel him smiling against my neck when I squirmed underneath him. I knew that he loved the effect he had on me, simple kisses were enough to make me a mess before him. 

"I love hearing you moan for me" I grew embarrassed for a number of reasons, my face was red, I could feel the heat radiating off my now flushed face. Also, I knew I now had a dent in my pants from my growing member but I didn't have it in me to try and hide it. His deep voice was such a turn on, just everything about this being made my body squirm with excitement, "you're a little worked up arent you love?" he chuckled. 

I shook my head wriggling around in his hold but I froze when I felt him palm me through my jeans. My breathing hitched when he applied a little more pressure enough to make me moan for me. 

"Jungkookie please" I whined squirming beneath him, my moans only increasing when he started to rub me making me painfully hard for him, "please, please" I repeated throwing my head back in pure and utter pleasure. 

"I'm barely even touching you love, and just look at how worked up you've gotten" he mumbled eyeing my body. Jungkook brought his other hand up to cup my cheek before he smashed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back hungrily, I needed him, I craved his lips.

His hands trailed up my legs before resting on my thighs. I gasped when he gripped them roughly, "I love theses fucking thighs" he growled before pushing them apart and resting in between them.

Feeling his hard-on against me made me squirm with embarrassment but he only moaned and held my thighs tighter, "stop moving Jimin I don't know if I can stop myself from fucking the life out of you right here"

"Jungkook I want-"

He put his lips back on mine to shut me up which worked causing him to smirk as he moved to stare down at my sensitive form, "We can't baby boy... not yet" he mumbled eyeing me up. Whining I tried reaching out for him again but he laughed telling me how much of a baby I was being.

"Jungkookie I need something please!" I cried, I knew that I was acting like a brat but I craved his touch. Yoongi would often tell me that I needed to man up when it came to these things but I just want to feel loved. 

And I'm willing to give myself to him entirely... 

Jungkook places a small yet sweet kiss on my lips before moving near my ear, I shivered at how warm and ticklish his breath felt, "Sleep for now my love" he whispered gently. 

"But I want you" I grumbled. 

"You're exhausted I can see it in your eyes" he moved so he was staring directly in my eyes now and was surprised to see a small frown on his face, "You probably didn't sleep while I was away because of your night terrors. I'm sorry to have put you in that state love but I'm here now, so you don't have to be alone" 

I don't think he was talking to me when he said those things, I think it was more directed at himself. It was like he was telling himself off for doing something wrong. 

"So go to sleep love," he said once more, I didn't have a chance to protest because my eyes immediately started to droop but not of my own will. I forget Jungkook is powerful... 

Just please be there when I wake up... 



So this is horrible as am I. I'm very unmotivated to live right now and I'm trying to find joy in life but writing Jikook fanfics but thats a tall order. 

So here is some crappy content. 

Your kinda welcome. 


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