Blame it on your love.

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"Please Yoongi, it hurts!" I cried over and over again, begging the man who was hurting me over and over again to stop. My cries only made it worse he started to hit me harder, kick me with more force.

"Shut up Jimin!" He yelled not once easing up, "you are so worthless! Maybe you should try dying with your brother, we all know he can't stand to be around you anymore"

"Jimin wake up!"

My eyes shot open and my cries filled the air but they were muffled. I instantly knew it was him who had me shoved into his chest, the smell of banana and cinnamon instantly overwhelming me (I can't remember what it was).

"Breathe Jimin, breathe" he cooed while rubbing circles in on my back, "You're okay, he's not gonna hurt you anymore"

I tried to bury myself further into Jungkook's chest trying to gain comfort from him. I need the support of his arms, the safety I knew he could give me.

Yoongi's here somewhere, he's still here. He'll come back for me...

"Jimin listen to me," he said sternly embracing me tighter, "you're okay. There's no way he could come here. I took care of it, do you trust me?"


"The breathe Jimin" he slowly pried my hands from around his waist and to only place them back down on his chest, "then breathe with me" I tried to mimic his breathing as best I could. It was so calming and soon enough I was letting out shaky yet stable breaths, "Well done love"

"I'm sorry" my voice just above a whisper. Jungkook just gave me a smile with a small shake of his head letting his hair fall slightly over his eyes.

"What are you staring at?" He hummed.


"N-nothing" I stammered quickly diverting my gaze down to my hands, "I got lost in the dream I was just having"

"Was it about him?"

Nodding I wrapped my arms back around his waist, he sighed with content and he fell into his back bringing me forward to lay on his chest.

"He told me that I should have killed myself," I said faintly bearly audible but I knew he could hear my every word. "My brother wasn't very happy before he died and I knew that, I had asked Yoongi what I should do but at the time he didn't know. I loved him so much but he left me, along with Yoongi. I don't know how he died, he just vanished the day my brother took his life"

I wasn't completely making sense, it was essentially babble escaping my lips but my minds a mess, so my words are too, "Do you want to see him again?" 


"Your brother..." 

"Oh..." without thinking I tightened my grip on him if that was at all possible and let out a long, sad sigh, "I do more than anything but..." 


"He left me Jungkook, he knew how much I needed him. Call me selfish all you want but he left me knowing everything that was happening. How am I supposed to face him?! How am I supposed to tell him that I nearly joined him in death?! How am I-" 

"Calm down Jimin, take a breath" Jungkook soothed thankfully this time I calmed down quite quickly.

It's always like this. I get so worker up so quickly and I act like a baby. It's so pathetic, I don't know how Jungkook could put up with me when I act like this all the time.

"Jungkook?" He hummed in response "I'm hungry, can we get food please?"

His chest rumbled as he laughed quietly to himself, "sure love, whatever you want but let's get you changed first hmm?" I merely nodded agreeing with anything he was saying.  He sat me on the edge of the bed while he rummaged through the clothes laying in his cupboard.

Jungkook told me that he didn't necessarily need to store clothes as he could change them with his voodoo magic, but since I came and took his clothes off him when he would take them off to sleep he decided to get one. He pulled out one of this many black hoodies and a pair of black short, which I had told many were his favourite because of how they 'hugged my thighs nicely'. He handed me the shorts first which I quickly changed into but when he handed me the hoodie I asked him to look away.

"Why?" He asked "I've seen pretty much everything Jimin"

I instantly blushed "just turn around Kookie" I demanded softly. He gave in pretty easily because he knew I was in no mood to argue with him. I stripped of my shirt to reveal my scarred stomach, the last lot of cuts I had made had now mostly healed. A heavy sigh escaped me as I continued to stare at them.

They are so ugly...

"You know Jimin" Jungkook said "Even all the scars made from our own mistakes make up own our constellations"

I whipped around to see that his back was indeed still face me. There was no way that he could see me, "what does that mean?"

"It means unless you open up and share your feelings no one can understand what you're going through, trust me, I have thousands and thousands of years worth of experience" .I was silent but I had quickly covered myself up once I saw Jungkook spinning around, "let's go get some food yeah?"

I nodded and walked over to him wrapping my arms around his waist once again. He chuckled knowing instantly what I wanted. Jungkook's hands gripped my thighs, a small squeeze caused me to jump with a yelp. My legs instantly wrapped around his torso and my head was now resting on his chest once again.

"Lets go we have to fatten you up. You're way too light love" he laughed as I smack his ass (on accident mind you).

"I'm already fat as it is kookie"

"Yes love, whatever you say"


Hi I'm back. Again.
They are so soft for each other in these last couple of chapters. Wonder what I could do now to mess up the "love birds" 🤭🤭

Jimin is starting to open up, how good is that?!

I know it's a bit confusing his past but as I said in the story how can he make sense if his heads a mess? But don't worry I'll sort it out later on.

As for me I'm doing kinda better I guess 😭😭😭😭


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