Grow Old Die Young

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"Yoongi Hyung!" I sang skipping through the house, for once I was actually in a good mood. Everything just kind of felt okay as I ran in search for my boyfriend but that feeling vanished as I approached his bedroom.

I prayed that my mind was playing tricks on me, that I couldn't hear the moans and grunts coming from behind his door. Yoongi did a lot of things to me. He had hurt me, bruised me and broke my soul but I never thought he would stoop so low as to cheat on me.

With shaky hands, I slowly opened the door but behind it was my boyfriend fucking one of my classmates.

"What the actual fuck Hyung?!" My screams caught both of them off guard. Yoongi fell beside the boy, I expected him to be shocked or at least unsettled by my presence. Instead, he had a cocky grin plastered all over his face.

"Ah Jimin, care to join us like the slut you are?"

I can't move, I can't say anything. He's staring at me waiting for a response and I know better than to keep Yoongi waiting.

"Uh Hyung I think I'm going to go"

I watched as the boy quickly threw his clothes on and quickly exited Yoongis room despite his protests.

"Seriously Jimin you just had to go and scare him away?" He's angry, you can hear the venom in his words but nothing was scarier than when his smile started to grow. "But-" he said calmly and slowly started to come closer to me, "I guess you'll have to make up for what you did"

"N-no" I whimpered and tried to leave but he was quicker. Before I knew it he had me pinned against the wall with his knee separating my thighs.

"Too fucking late Jimin"

And just like that, he had his way with me, but this time I genuinely wanted him to stop. My pleas and cries were begging him to stop, that I didn't want this anymore but he ignored them. When I tried to break free by kicking and hitting him he just did the same thing back.

I don't want this anymore, I don't want him anymore.

I had been staring up at the ceiling for what seemed like hours before I heard voices coming from outside the door. It was Jungkook and Jin I'm sure but it wasn't unusual for them to be together.

"Jungkook you can't keep putting sleeping spells on him!"

"But else was I supposed to do?! He was crying!"

"That doesn't mean you can do that! I know you don't know how to deal with emotions very well but that doesn't give you the right!"

"I know but I didn't know what else to do"

Jungkook already hushed tone became softer causing me to smile, he meant well.

"Is he awake at least?"

"I'm not sure..."

"You should be keeping an eye on him! You brought him here, Jungkook he's your responsibility!"

Sighing I figured I should probably stop Jin from scolding Jungkook anymore than he already has. He's right Jungkook did bring me here but I can look after myself.

I threw the blankets off me and went to sit up but as I did a searing pain shot up from lower parts all the way up my back. My pained whimpers were loud as I tried to hold back my tears. He did a number on me last night...

"Jimin!" Jungkook shouted throwing the door open with such force I swear he put a hole in the wall. I felt the side of the bed dip, I went to look at him but he had already moved so my face was in his hands, "Are you okay?! What's wrong?!" He asked frantically searching my face for any sign of injury.

Smiling softly I grabbed his hands gently while I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. He's so gorgeous.

I definitely have feelings for this man...

"Jungkookie, I'm okay I promise"

He visibly relax at that and softly ran thumb across my cheek, "that's good" he whispered.

"So I heard you put a spell on me" I smirked and just like that he lost his composure. Jungkook started stuttering over his words and refused to look me in the eyes, "well?"

"That's cause I-" He stumbled before hanging his head in defeat "- I'm sorry"

Chuckling at his behaviour I cooed at how cute he was acting, "It's okay I'm not mad, I know I'm hard to deal with so I don't blame you in the slightest"

"That's not why..."

Smiling sadly I brushed his bangs away from his eyes and just stared into his eyes but we were interrupted by words that I definitely wanted to hear.

"Jimin" Jin said from outside the doorway "Taehyungs awake if you want to see him"

My breathing hitched in fear and anticipation, the man I had spent so much time with and had grown so close too had withheld the truth from me all this time.

This time I wasn't going to face him as a friend, yet as his younger brother.

Lord help me...



I hope your all enjoying it so far!

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