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A long tired yawn escaped me, capturing the attention of everyone in the hall. The heat rose to my cheeks because of the silence that now deafened us.

"Does this bore you?" Hoseok glared, making sure his first words spoken to me were bitter and hateful.

"U-um no, I-I, sorry..." I stuttered lowering my head. Hoseok mutter words of disapproval as he shook his head.

The morning after I encountered Yoongi, Jungkook decided to introduce me to his second in command, Hoseok. So far I would say he doesn't exactly approve of my presence in Hell.

I watched silently as Jin whispered something in Jungkook's ear. His face fell for a moment but he quickly replaced it with a hard glare. They spoke silently for a moment before Jungkook stood up abruptly.

"This assembly is over, everyone get out"

Within a matter of seconds, the hall was almost empty, everyone quickly left, as if their lives depended on it. My breath hitched as Jungkook's attention redirected towards me. I couldn't tell if he was furious with me or not. He held such as calm composure and blank face that it was almost impossible to see his expression.

"Jungkook I-"

I was cut off by Jungkook grabbing my chin and lifting my face so it was in line with his. His eyes roamed over every inch of my face, taking in every detail and every flaw like he hadn't seen it before.

"You're not sleeping properly, are you?" he asked. My breath caught in my throat when he moved his thumb across my jawline, "Well?"

I stuttered out a string of incoherent words before I finally settled with a nod as my answer. Jungkook sighed retracting his hand and turned so his back was facing me. Flushed and embarrassed I ran my fingers through my hair multiple times as I tried to calm myself down. 

"Sir, is that really why you ended the gathering early?" Hoseok pestered Jungkook, who seemed to be trying to settle a few things with Jin. "Sir there are subjects who are trying to-" 

"Hoseok enough" Jungkook demanded. I flinched at the cold icy look in his eye, Hoseok's body language changed as well and he instantly shut his mouth, well for a moment anyway. 

"Lucifer! Jungkook!" he shouted stomping his foot in anger, "You can't keep this pathetic human around, its distracting you from your duties! He won't last long here, look at him he's weak and useless, you're better off kill-" 

Before I could blink Jungkook had Hoseok by his throat agaisnt the wall, he struggled to breath due to the lack of support from his feet which were off the wall.

Jungkook's sudden actions scared me. He was so quick to react at Hoseoks words that it made wonder if he'd be so quick to turn on me...

"I don't want to hear those words come out of your mouth again, Hoseok" he growled, his eyes would flicker from dark brown to hellfire red every second or so, "Who are you to tell me what to do? You may be my second in command Hoseok but you best know your place. If you say anything about Jimin again I won't hesitate to cut out your tongue"

I watched as Jungkook dropped Hoseok to the floor like a sack of bricks before turning to face me. He paid no mind to the now coughing Hoseok and showed me a wide smile.

"Come. Let's go back to our room"

I've never felt so scared yet so intrigued by someone before, and it's terrifying..

Hi my darlings.

I'm back sorry for the slow update I've been so exhaustated and my mental health has been no existent lately.

Thankyou so so so much for all the reads and the votes!!! 600 reads at the moment, wow that's so much.

Till next time.

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