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Jungkook POV

Jimin, come back to me, please! I need you. I never knew how lonely and miserable my existence could be until i met you. Jimin, you're the reason i learnt how to smile, the reason i learnt how to open my heart and love again.

I miss you..

"Jungkook you need rest, how long are you going to keep searching for him?"

I felt Jins hand squeezing my shoulder causing me to sigh, he broke my concentration yet again. Opening my eyes I saw him staring down worridely at me. For the past two months he's be nagging at me to let Jimin go. I know hes saying it for my own good but i just can't let him go.

Ive been looking for him for two whole months, endlessly searching earth for his presence but it hasnt turned up once. Ive searched every inch of his hometown countless times, but Jimin is no where to be found, its like he vanished.

Or died...

Don't be idiotic, Jimin isn't dead. I'm sure they've just got him in heaven somewhere for the time being doing only God knows what to him.

I miss you..

"Jungkook, Jin sent me" Taehyung called tiredly from the doorway, his eyes were dark and lifeless and he figure had thinned. He's been taking Jimin's disappearance really hard and I can't say I blamed him, he had just finally gotten him back and now he's gone again.

"Jin is starting to get awfully demanding" Taehyung laughed, it was quiet but he still laughed which made me smile, it was good to hear him make that expression.

"How many can say that they can boss around the big bad king of hell?" He rubbed his eyes tiredly with a small smile on his face which cause me to frown.

"Are you still having nightmares Taehyung?"  I asked concerned, Jimin would get pouty if I left  Taehyung like this, that I'm sure of.

He let out a shaky breath while nodding and gripping his forearms tightly, "I can't get the images of them taking him away, the sound he made when he screamed my name or the smell of blood in the air. Every time I close my eyes I'm reminded of how I let him go again and I can't bare to see it any more"

Frowning I stared at the fragile boy before me, Taehyung had endured so much for someone with such a delicate soul. He wants nothing but the best for others and it hurts him to see people in pain. 

"Come on" I motioned as I exited the room making sure he was following behind me, "ill put a sleeping spell on you, so you won't have to worry about the memories"

He didn't say anything as I lead him back to his room and watched as he quietly got into his bed. I placed my hand on his forehead as he stared up at me with wide eyes, "what is it Taehyung?" I asked unimpressed by his gaze.

"Jimin really changed you didn't he?"

"He's a mortal unlike anyone I've ever met before, there's just something about him that I wish I could hold onto forever" I whispered sadly but before Taehyung could say any more I placed him under the spell and watched him fall asleep.

What is with these brothers? They are able to see right through me...

Exiting Taehyungs room i headed towards the room that held the one and only Min Yoongi. During these past few months I've been visiting him more and more often, he's a great way for me to relieve my stress.

"Back again my King?" He coughed still wearing his smug smile proudly on his face.

His body had been broken, beaten, burned, whipped and pretty much anything else one could imagine, but he still remained arrogant and selfish.

His soul refuses to break.

Laughing at my frown he shot me a wink licking his lips teasingly, "now that Jimins been killed you should try looking for someone better" he tried being seductive but I don't think he realised he was just being repulsive.

Scoffing I grabbed the closest blade and dragged it across his flesh, "do you honestly believe that you could satisfy me?" I hummed.

"Alot better than he could" he spoke painfully grinding his teeth together, "Jimin never was any good at getting anyone off"

Digging the blade in deeper he started to whimper and squirm away from my hold, "I wouldn't be so sure about that" I hummed as I watched him bleed slowly before me.

But eventually the fun started to wear out, after several months Yoongis screams just weren't as appealing any more. Nothing seemed to hold any light in my eyes and I slowly started to turn back in the King I was.

The king before Park Jimin....

All hope I had of finding him slowly started to disappear, till one night I was laying in what used to be our bed and I heard the faintest whisper...



Okay so here's the end chapter. It may be bit a bit trash but it'll lead into the next book

Thankyou everyone who has read this book so far

I love you all 🥰🥰🥰

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