Hard to Love

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Two months. It's been two whole months since I found out the truth about Taehyung. The truth about why he died, about who he was and the things he tried to do while in hell. Two whole months since I spoke to him last, two months since I last self-harmed and two whole months since I realised that I indeed loved the king of hell, Jungkook. 

"Fuck Jungkook!" 

"Just like that love, you can do it, shit!" 

Curses were screamed as we both found our highs, and not soon after Jungkook's sweaty body flopped down beside mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest. Groaning I tried to push him away because of how sticky and gross my body felt, he may not have seemed to care but I sure did. 

"Jungkookie I'm all yucky" I mumbled and despite my better instincts I still cuddled into him which caused a deep chuckle to rumbled from his chest. 

"I know love, you came so much tonight. Seems you were a little pent up while I was away" he commented as he trailed his fingers along the bottom part of my stomach. 

Smacking his chest harshly I pouted before looking up at him "don't tease me! I can't help it..." 

Jungkook laughed again when I tried to hide my flushed face from,  even though I'm used to his brutal honesty and light teasing he always makes me feel embarrassed about the situation. Humming he continued to run his fingers along my bare skin, "why didn't you just take care of yourself?" he mused. 


"Because what love?" 

"B-Because it's not as good as when you do it..." I mumbled embarrassed, I'm sure my skin was as bright as a cherry by now but this time Jungkook didn't laugh but instead, he smirked proudly to himself. 

Gently he removed one of his hands from my back and lifted my head so he could look into my eyes, his eyes roamed over every inch of my face before his face fell as he rubbed the side of my cheek, "you never seem to get any sleep when I leave love" 

Jungkook always did this, he would inspect every inch of my face and would be able to tell how I was feeling. Hence why he always made sure to search for any signs of distress within my body. Most times he wouldn't find anything but when he did he ensured that he did everything he could to fix it. 

"Do you have to leave again?" I wondered as his arms fell back to his sides, his bangs fell in front of his eyes when he shook his head and I let out a relieved sigh. 

"Yeonjun needed me for a few things, and I had other urgent commitments that needed to dealt with"

"But why couldn't I come? You usually let me tag along" I asked confused as Jungkook laid us back down on the bed in the position we were before. 

"Because there are things in this world that you don't need to be subjected to" he replied curtly, I wanted to press further but the way his grip tightened harshly made me hesitate. Whatever he did in those days he was away bothered him, I just wish he would share his troubles with me, "have you gone to see Taehyung yet?" 

My entire body went rigid at the sound of his name, of course I hadn't and I'm sure he knew that so why would he bother asking? 


Jungkook sighed and started rubbing my lower back with the palm of his hand trying to calm me, and of course, it worked. Moving my head into the crook of his neck I found that the idea of sleeping was finally calling to me. 

"Sleep now love, I'll clean everything up" He whispered fondly and I let out a hum of agreement.

"Hey, Jungkook?" I mumbled on the verge of passing out making my words a little mumbled,  "Please stay with me forever, I couldn't go on existing if you weren't by my side. I think I-" 

Before I could finish my 'confession' I passed out on his chest but now I just I didn't have to relive the past in my dreams. 


So here's the update. The next chapter I think will be in Jungkook's point of view so I can try and get this story moving onto the next plot.

Also for all the people who vote and comment on my story thabkyou! I dont really do shoutouts if you havent noticed but I do follow you! I don't know if that's good or not but that's jsut what I do.

Also i survived orientation week at my uni and made some friends! Yay me.

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