Call You Mine.

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"Stop pouting Jimin" Taehyung sighed, I knew that I was acting childish but can you blame me? After I woke up Jungkook had still not returned. He left me again, how could I not be mad?

"Where is he?"

"I don't know Jimin, I told you that already"


"Why are so hung up on Jungkook?" He interrupted. I stumbled over my words and instantly became flustered.  Taehyung noticed, I know he did, how could he not? "Do you have feelings for him?"

I threw my hands around trying to deny it, "Me? Have feelings for him? No way!" I exclaimed nervously. My cheeks were burning, how could he just come out and say that? Am i really that transparent?

"Are you sure?" Tae cooed.

"There's no way I could have feelings for Jungkook" I stated matter of factly. I nodded my confirming what I had just said.

There's no way he could have feelings for you...

"Is that right?"

I gasped and spun towards the source of the voice, "Jungkook!" I beamed happily but when I saw the look on his face the smile on mine fell. He stood by the door with a scowl and he arms crossed over his chest. His fists were clenched turning white and showing his very prominent veins.

He must have heard what I said...

"Well, that's my cue to leave" Taehyung mumbled making the smart choice and quickly evacuating the room.

Jungkook pushed himself off the wall and in a few short strides was towering over me. I gulped, he's mad at me, I flinched as he raised his hand but he didn't slap me, he cupped my cheek with his hand, "you're so beautiful Jimin..." 

"I am?" 

His lips fell into a frown at my answer, "how can you not see how beautiful you are?" Jungkook continued to run his thumb back and forth across my cheek. It was calming but at the same time, the way he stared into my eyes was intense. I'm not sure if it was friendly or not but it was overwhelming, "why are you crying?" he whispered. 

I didn't realize that I had started crying, the tears just started to fall. I wasn't sad but astounded by the man in front of me. He called me beautiful and he meant it. Jungkook was right he wasnt all bad like everyone said, he was kind.

"No one has called me that in such a long time" I cried moving so my face was now buried in his chest. He was warm and smelt like strawberries and cinnamon. Such a nice smell....

"Why would someone say something other than the obvious?" He said confused which only made me cry harder. I wrapped my arms around his waist and clenched his shirt in my fists. I held his shirt tightly so that he couldn't leave me again. As if he read my mind he whispered, "I'm sorry I broke my promise. I couldn't handle seeing you cry because I couldn't control my temper"

I shook my head desperately trying to speak but I kept choking on my own sobs. Jungkook whispered sweet nothings in my ear while rubbing circles on my back. When I heard the lovely words coming from him I cried harder, at that point Jungkook scooped me up in his arms and sat me in his lap on the bed. My hands never let go of his shirt, I needed to make sure he stayed with me.

"Breathe love" he said calmly running his fingers through my hair, "I'm here with you. It's all okay"

I hiccuped as I slowly started to breath again properly, but Jungkook didn't stop whispering lovely words in my ear. That was until I blurted out, "he was my boyfriend"

Jungkook stilled and I felt his body tense, "who was your boyfriend?"


"But Jimin that man used to beat his partners..." Jungkook trailed off slowly realizing.

He's going to hate me now. I'm so weak

I gasped as his grip tightened on me and as he held me closer to him, "that bastard will lay for laying a hand on you" he growled.

I sighed and melted into his touch, "if I hadn't been so weak and better to him then it never would have happened" I mumbled.

"No don't say that!" He yelled "He should never of laid a hand on you Jimin"

"I wished all he did was hit me, but his words were so cruel. His words broke me..."

"But that's okay"

Taken by surprise I looked up at with eyes, "Because I'll put you back together, no matter what it takes"

What did I do to deserve you? Maybe now I can finally live.

This is trash. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore~

So I thought this was good for their relationship development. But yeah.

Wish I had the same realisation as Jimin.. life is effort.

But yeah thanks for all the comments and votes!!!

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