Freaking Me Out

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Jimin POV

"Then take me"

I can't say I thought about what I said before told Jungkook. Everything after was a bit of blur, everything from Jungkook picking up my naked self from the bath to throwing me down onto our bed soaking wet.

Jungkook had a hungry look in his eyes, I have to admit it made my skin crawl with excitement.

Am I really going to do this? Am I going to give my body to Jungkook? Oh fuck it, he already has my soul what's the rest of me as well?

"Please Kookie stop staring" I whined reaching out to grab him but he swatted my hands away. My mouth changed into a pout as I moved my hands to cover my body but Jungkook didn't like that. In a blink of an eye he had pinned my arms above my hand restricting any and all movement.
Slowly he brought his face down to my neck, he was so close to touching me that I could feel his warm hot breath against my neck.

The parts of me that wasn't restrain were squirming, I need him to touch me. I want his lips, I want him but Jungkook obviously wasn't going to give me what I wanted, "stop squirming" he growled and quickly straddled my waist, my naked waist. I froze at the fiction against my lower half which cause Jungkook to laugh "good baby boy."

"Kookie please"

"Sure baby, I can't resist when you look so helpless beneath me"

I gasped when Jungkook's lips finally kissed my neck, it felt so nice and even more when he started sucking on my flesh. He trailed down my neck to my chest leaving what will be hickeys everything, "I don't want to see any other marks on your skin other than the ones I make" he whispered and then he decided to grind down onto my painfully hard member.

I nodded desperately, "only yours, i only want your mark" I repeated grinding up to meet his movements.

I'm so out of it but god I like what he's doing to me.

Jungkook laughed when I let out the biggest whine as I shoved my hands under his shirt, "Such a whiny baby" he commented.

"You're wearing to much, wanna feel you"

"Your wish is my command"

Whimpers let my mouth as he got off my lap, I tried to regain my breath as I watched him take his shirt off extremely slow but then I had an idea. Scrambling to my feet I kneeled in front of the Jungkook and started to attack his belt.

This needs to go..

I threw it to the ground watching as he pants fell around his ankles. Jungkook has a large bulge in his brief which made me gulp, what have I gotten myself into?

"Are you not going to take the rest off love?" Jungkook taunted watching my every move, when I didn't move he proceeded to lay me back down on the bed.

Jungkook stared down at me, his eyes roamed every inch of my body. My heart fluttered everytime he would bend down to place a gentle kiss on my body, or when he would lick his lips when he ran his fingers across his marks.

"Kiss me" I whispered suddenly, he face scrunched up because of how he didn't catch what I said to him, "I said kiss me"

He chuckled and brought his lips down so they were inches from my mine, "as you wish" he mumbled and then finally smashed his lips against mine.



okay so. Do we want the rest of the smut? I don't think I'm quite cut out for it. To me it seems kinda shit but that could be because I wrote it.


Do we want the rest? Or just continue with the story??

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