Do You Want Me (Dead?)

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"Sir do you want me to send people to Criesa Dungeon?"

Hoseok looked at me expecting an answer but the only answer I could give him was a loud and exhaustated sigh.

"Is there something the matter Jungkook?"

This time it was Jin asking the questions. Unlike Hoseok, Jin is the only demon who is allowed to be so direct and forward with me.

"Its that human isn't it?" Hoseok sneered.

He peaked my interest, his distaste for Jimin is curious to say the least, but his disgust makes my blood boil.

He's not disgusting, disgusting is not a word that should be associated with him...

"Watch your tone Hoesok."

He instantly excused himself and scurried out of the room, knowing that he if he kept talking I'd cut out his tongue again.

"But really Jungkook..." Jin started looking slightly concerned, "Are you missing Jimin?"

I sighed toying with the end of my shirt, "I wouldn't say that I'm 'missing' him, but I am intrigued as to what he could be doing right now" I said with all honestly. "I don't know why Jin but he's...special? I've never been with anyone like him before"

Jin was worried and interest in Jimin as well, looking at his face said it all. Jimin was as interesting to Jin as he was to me.

"He is something isn't he?" Jin mumbled.

"I just don't understand. He's so weak and fragile!" I explained throwing my hands in the air, "Usually I just fuck 'em and leave them but Jimin he's different. I just don't understand why?"

"Could you maybe have feelings for Jimin?" Jin mused with a smile.

"No!" I snapped but Jin still continued to smile, like he knew something I didn't, which should he impossible.

"Jungkook, you may be immortal but Jimin may be able to teach you more about being alive then you think"


Sir, something's wrong with Jimin. I'm not sure how to proceed.

I stood up from my chair and quickly headed over to the closest portal door to the "town" as Jimin calls it. He's cute like that, trying to make sense of the most confused place in existence.

"Yoongi you bastard!"

It was Taehyung.

And he was fighting him.

This the second time this man has caused trouble around Jimin.


He looked so scared and frightened, he beautiful soft cheeks were stained with tears, and his eyes were red and puffy from crying so much. His hair was mess from pulling it in every direction from stress.

"Jungkook?" His voice was hoarse and strained when he called my name. I could hear the desperation and disbelief in his words, and it made my blood boil.

My rage seeped through my skin and appeared as a form of black clouds surrounding me. I have a bad habit of manifesting my emotions.

Taehyung and that other guy immediately ceased their fighting and kneeled before me. I scoffed at how pathetic looked, weak and small. I could crush their skulls beneath my feet with out even breaking a sweat.

"J-Jungk-" Before Taehyung could finish saying my name, I had him pinned to the wall by his throat. He choked, clawing at my hands to release the pressure on his windpipe.

"Did I ask you to speak?" My words were quiet and straight to the point. Taehyung desperately shook his head.

"Jungkook stop it" Jin sighed kneeling down beside Jimin, "we both know that Taehyung would nevet hurt Jimin"

I reluctantly let him drop floor. Taehyung held his throat coughing violently as he tried to regain his breath. I had almost forgot about him, until he decided to scoff.

"You!" I said and without blinking or hesitating I shoved his face to the ground so it sat under my boot, "this is twice you've caused trouble. Don't think you'll come out of this unscathed"

He started thrashing under my boot, he knew what awaited him and it gave me great pleasure to see him squirm.


"Yes sire"

I smirked, "Take him to the Oni District and make sure he is well acquainted with Yeonjun"

His screams were heavenly, I'm sure I'll pay him and Yeonjun a visit. Make sure he well punished for hurting my Jimin.


What has this human done to me?


Ooh jikook is happening! So how was the insight into Jungkook's head??

I hope it was okay.

I wrote this while in the car causing I'm moving today! Pretty exciting.

Also over 2k reads, woah!!!!!

Thankyou so so much.


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