Tales of Another Broken Home

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I didn't see Jungkook for several days after our incident. Neither Taehyung or I knew where he had gone, all we know was that he had left.

When Jin, Jungkook's doctor, came to check up on me, he told me that it wasn't uncommon for Jungkook to leave without warning. He said it was like he was throwing a bit of a tantrum. It was he way of retaliating when someone annoyed him or he needed to clear his head.

Honestly I've felt so guilty while he was gone. I hope that when he does finally come back I can make it up to him some how, or at least not upset him any further.

"Why do you worry so much?" Tae questioned, he propped his head up with his hands to look at me. He didn't hide his confusion nor his curiosity.

"I can't help it, I get anxious and I can't help what I think sometimes.."

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed" he joked.

I turned to look at Tae and was thankful that he was trying to make me smile but I could tell he was trying to the same for himself.

"Why did you... What made you..." I fumbled over my words like a helpless child.

"What made me want to kill myself?"

I nodded sinking back into the bed a little, where as Tae sighed before sitting up in the bed. His entire expression changed right before my eyes and slowly he let me see sad how sad and exhaustated he really was.

"I was never happy..." he started and with only those four words he looked liked he was going to break right in front of my eyes.

"My parents never cared for and I took the death of my grandparents really hard, they meant the world to me, you know? No one loved me more than they did"

Taehyung wiped away a few tears with the back of his hand before letting out a big sigh.

"After they passed I was just never really happy. Everything around me seemed so lifeless and painful. Everything just got worse until I couldn't take it anymore"

I watched as Taehyung started to cry. He broke down in front of me and it was heart breaking. I immediately grabbed him and hugged him as tight as I could. Hoping, praying that I could put his broken pieces back together but alas, all I could do was hold him as he cried his heart out. Eventually Tae did fall asleep and I was glad , I'm not sure how long I could have kept myself together .

"I told him to go somewhere better. Somewhere he wouldn't be in pain, but he chose to remain here" Jungkook said as he leant against the door frame and watched us from afar.

"Your back" I whispered making sure that I kept my gaze on the floor but I knew his was on me. I had mad sure that Taehyung was comfortable on the bed before moving to sit front of him with my hands in my lap.

"I am. I had stuff to attend to"

"You left me here"

Jungkook looked taken aback and he wasn't sure of what to say.

"You said you would be my friend, but you left me here" I made sure to keep my voice low in order not to wake Taehyung.

"I know I'm just another worthless soul. I know I acted like a pathetic child then other day when you touched me but I couldn't help it! I'm sorry I upset you, I really am but please don't leave me again. I'll make-"

Jungkook's hands appearing on both sides of my cheeks shut me up really quick and I had no where else to look other than Jungkook's eyes.

"I won't leave you again, I promise"

Then slowly he pressed his lips against mine.


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