If Walls Could Talk

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"He's been in there since last night" Jungkook murmured, it was faint but I could still hear his voice.

"Maybe you shouldn't have scared him"

"I didn't!"

"He's a very delicate person Jungkook, you can't treat him like you did me"

"And how would you know?"

"I just...do"

I remember sitting like this and listening in on my mother and father when I was younger. They used to argue a lot when we went to bed, it was as if the walls were talking.


"-I'm okay"

"What if I send him away? Will, you come out then"

It went silent on both ends. Did I want Jungkook to go away? Not really. Did I want Jungkook here? Not particularly.

This wasn't Jungkook's fault so why should he be punished? It's my fault we were in this situation.


"He's gone now Jimin, you can come out"

So I did. I came out from where I was hiding with the underlying relief that Jungkook was indeed gone but that sense of guilt did consume me. Taehyung sent me a warm, soft and caring smile as I slowly made my way over to him. I knew I looked pathetic like a little child who had just thrown a tantrum over something so insignificant and pointless, but Taehyung looked at me with understanding and compassion. There was no judgement in his eyes, nor was there any ill intentions or deceit, just a warm inviting aura. 

"Want to tell me what happened?" he asked once I had become comfortable sitting beside him. I shook my head running my fingers through my hair anxiously. A stress habit of mine that I had developed not long after the incident, but mind you it was only one of them. 

"You know, Jungkook means no harm, he just doesn't know how to interact with human emotions properly" Taehyung explained, "He's to use to the evil and corruption of Hell, but that's to be expected Jimin, he is the King" 

"But how am I any different to anyone else here?" 

Taehyung shot me a sad smile, "Well because you are pure and you're still alive" 

"But that doesn't make sense Tae, why did he choose to bring me here? I am not pure and I had every intention of dying on that bridge, I was going to end up here as a mere soul anyway, so why save me?"

It didn't make any sense. I was nothing. I was insignificant. There was no reason to save me on the bridge. What made him think I was of any worth? I am worthless... 

"Jimin" Taehyung said, "Stop whatever it is going through your head. You were worth saving and Jungkook has his own reasons, he always does" 

He placed his hands on my shoulders and continued to try to set me at ease, "Jungkook may be the Devil, the King of Hell but he's set his eyes on you, so you can trust him" 

"I hope so, that's what I had thought about my brother, but he lied..." 



So sorry for the late chapter but I have so, so busy and writing this just hasn't been on my to-do list. I'm so sorry~

Well till next time 

(WTH are the new songs BTS has released???! They are so so good!!)


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