Boy With Love

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"Fuck, ah Kookie!"

"Just wait love, and I'll touch you all you want"

"I need you please!"

"But you're just so god damn beautiful"

He stared at me as if I was piece of meat as I withered before him. Jungkook licked his lips and let out a small groan as he palmed himself through his briefs mumble a low "fuck."

"Koo-" I gasped because in a blink of an eye Jungkook had my dick in his mouth. The way he moved his tongue up and down my length last time was nothing compared to this.  A string of moans escaped me, they sounded so needy and breathless. He moved me so he was situated between my legs with them hanging over his shoulders, allowing him better access to me.

"Oh shit" I cursed when I felt his fingers playing with my ass but when he pushed his finger into me my breathing stopped for a few moments. 

"Mhmm so tight baby" he rasped pumping his finger in and out of me, his attention no longer of my swollen member.

"M-more" I stuttered, cursing slightly when he did what I asked and slip a second finger into me. He pumped them a few times trying to prepare me for what was to come.

"Fuck!" I squealed when he hit my sweet spot, I tried to pull away as he abused that spot over and over again. Jungkook grabbed one of my legs with  his free arms and started placing sweet kisses along my inner thigh.

"It's okay" he whispered between kisses "you're doing very well"

"Kookie I'm clo-" Before I could finish my sentence he added a third finger and picked up his pace. I became even  more of a mess not being able to restrain any of my moans. I'm sure the entire place could hear us but the only concern I have is my upcoming orgasm. It's so close.

Jungkook leant over my his attention now moved away from my thigh and onto to my neck sucking on every inch of my flesh but then he whispered "cum for me love" which sent me over the edge.

I practically screamed his name as my orgasm wracked my body. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding onto him desperately as I tried to buck my hips away from his touch as he helped my ride out my orgasm.

Gasping as he removed his fingers from my sore hole I went to pull my arms away from Jungkook but he grabbed them looking down at me with a smirk on my face, "We arent done yet love"

I watched as he pulled away from me and slowly started to down his breifs. When they dropped to floor, so did my mouth. He is so much bigger than Yoongi ever was.

"Pick your jaw up off the ground Jimin" he chuckled watching me, he licked his lips as he watched me squirm before him.

To be honest I was scared, but at the same time my body was tingling with excitement. I want him.

Jungkook towered over me bring his head down near to mine. I let out a big breath as i reached up and placed a quick kiss on his lips, "ready?" He asked.


He smiled kissing me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I desperately kissed him back trying to distract myself as he lined himself to enter me.

Whimpers left me when he pushed the head in stretching my already sore hole. I was trying to ease the pain by holding onto Jungkook but it wasn't working and I knew I was subconsciously dragging my nails down his back.

"Kookie, it h-hurts" I whimpered, he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead as he wiped away a tear from my eyes.

"You're doing very well love" he cooed, my hands trembled and my breathing was a little uneven but as a few moments passed I was ready for him.


"Are you sure?"

I whispered a small 'yes' with that he slowly started to thrust in and out of me. Jungkook moaned in my ear turning me on to the max, hearing him moan is such a turn on.

"Ah Kookie faster please" I moaned wrapping my legs around his torso which only allowed him go deeper inside of me.

The whole room was filled out our grunts and moans. Both of us were covered from head to toe in sweat. Jungkook kept pounding into me until I began to feel that familiar sensation in the pit of my stomach.

"Kookie I-"

"I know love, im getting close too" he grunted. He trusted harder into me with more desperation trying to reach his high, but he hit that spot that made my toes curl and my back arch.

"Ahh fuck!" I screamed as I finally reached my high, strings of my seed covered Jungkook's stomach but although I game. I was so sensitive after my orgasm that my moans started to turn into screams but not of pain but of overwhelming pleasure.

"I'm almost there love" he moaned as his thrusts slowly started to become sloppy and irregular. After a few more thrusts he came inside me with a long moan he then fell beside me. Panting heavily Jungkook pulled me into his chest, the fact that we were both sweaty and filthy were pushed aside, "you did so well" he smiled.

My already flushed face got even hotter causing me to bury my face in embarrassment "its not my first time..." I said.

"What?" He sounded shocked and I couldn't blame him, I would have been to. I acted so innocent when I was with him, not acting like I was just a dirty whore, "hey why are you crying?"

"Because I'm a slut" I cried trying to cower away from me, he shouldn't have to touch someone as dirty as me.

"Why would you say that? You are by no means a slut" he disagreed looking down at me with a frown, but hes wrong about me.

"I let Yoongi touch me and do things to me" I sobbed staring at Jungkook's unreadable unexperssion, he wasn't mad or upset, he was expressionless making me want to cry even more, "but it hurt me everytime, he never made me feel like you do!"

"When you had sex with him, he hurt you?" Jungkook growled bringing me closer into his chest, I whimpered of the thought of being with Yoongi again. I could never go back not after how Jungkook makes me feel.

"He only did it to me a few times, but every time I would cry and plead for him to stop but I never pushed him away because-"

"-because you loved him"

Crying I nodded against his chest, "but  that love died a long time ago"

"It's okay Jimin, how about you get some sleep yeah?"

At his words my eyes suddenly became heavy and I could feel myself starting to drift off, "Just please don't hate me" I whispered before I passed out.



All done with this chapter. Sorry if you got the notification that I have already updated but I accidently hit publish when the chapter wasn't finished! I was actually really mad about that 😅

So I thought I'd elaborate on Jimins sexual past a little as I did hint he had slept with Yoongi in the past but yet acted like a virgin with Jungkook. So in a sense he was, he never felt the "pleasure" with Yoongi, just pain because Yoongi was an asswhole to put it mildly. Hope that clear up any confusion!

We're at over 4k reads guys!! How amazing is that, I'm so thankful means a lot to me!

Also I forgot to ask, if your still reading this do you want a chapter will all the songs and artists I use for the chapter names?

Love ya 💜💜

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