Midnight Thoughts

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"And then he-"

"No way!" Tae gasped. He clapped his hands in excitement, while also mocking my flushed cheeks and red ears.

"It was... something, to say the least"

"He's pretty good isn't he?"

His comment made my smile fall and the realisation dawned on me; Jungkook is the king of hell and he's obviously sleeping with someone other than me. All the ethics and morals that burden me probably don't even occur to him. Tae is a good example of that, they were fuck buddies, Tae is his literal slave. Now I'm just another one of his pieces of meat, served to him when ever he desires, how pathetic.

"Jimin, you okay?" I sighed and nodded my head, I was fine, I was okay.

"Yeah I'm just tired" I said lying through my teeth as always, "I think i might just head back to my room"

Tae was disappointed but he didn't say anything, he just let me walk out the door and back to my room. Jungkook was still in the same spot where I left him. A small smile crept onto my face when I noticed how soft his features looked and how innocent he appeared.

Carefully I reached out to move the hair from his eyes. The movement caused him to stir slightly but I soon realized that wasn't because of me. His face scrunched up in anguish and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Jungkook?" I whispered shaking his shoulder, "Jungkook!" I tried again when I got no response. He sat up abruptly with a loud gasp, he was silent, he just sat there trying to catch his breath, "Jungkook? Are you okay?" I asked hesitantly. When his eyes turned to meet mine I swear for a moment he didn't even realise where he was or who I was.

"Jimin?" I nodded and scooted a little closer towards him.

"Is everything okay?"

"Just a dream..." he said quietly.

"What ab-"

"Ssh let's just go back to sleep"

He grabbed my waist and pulled me close as we laid back down. Jungkook kept me close, almost smothering me but I didn't say anything. The way his hands trembled against the hold of my shirt made me realise that this was a time to stay quiet, and not ask despite the burning curiosity within me.

I wanted to ask, "What happened that made the devil so afraid and vulnerable?"

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