TFP: Optimus Prime x Autobot Reader x Megatron pt.2

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Description: Megatrons' Ending. And Optimus Primes' Ending. From Optimus Prime x Autobot Reader x Megatron pt.1.


Megatron Ending

You sat atop the broken up building that stayed standing after all these eons. You looked at the waste land that you called home. You sat there until everything seemed to darken slightly. You look up to see Megatron in all his sharp glory. "I'm sorry." You rolled your optics letting a chill run up your back struts. "It's weird to hear you apologize..." he sighed and sat beside you, "I really am sorry... About everything I've done to harm you." You nodded your helm and looked at the scenery once again. "You caused all this distraction... And here you are, apologizing to me." Megatron let out a low growl "I can't make it better now... I don't know what I can do." You let out a low chuckle. And glanced up at the mech who was pouting like a sparkling. "There's nothing You really can do... I'm just glad you're done with this war." Megatron nodded, his facial expression changed into one of slight sadness, "For good." After he spoke you let the silence sweep across your audials. Until you felt your metallic body being lifted and set down. You felt a servo wrap around your shoulderplate, then another under your pedes. He was holding you like a sparkling. You felt a blush creep onto your faceplates. "M-Megatron.." he let out a small sigh as he looked into your optics. "I love you... I really do..." You felt your spark beat increase... And thoughts ran through your processor.

Can you really forgive him..?

You leaned into the gladiator. Letting out a small hum. Completely comfortable but you had no idea how to react to this clingyness from the mech. "I-I don't know what to say Megatron..." he nuzzled into your neckcables. "Don't say anything... Let me enjoy you in my servos. Just let me enjoy being this close to you, (y/n)~." You felt a small smile spread across your dermas and "butterflies" through your body. You stayed like that in a comforting silence for what seemed like only a few minutes, until the grey mech pulled back and looked into your optics once again. Those blood red optics looked so loving and sweet, you swore you seen them flash a ligjt blue. You felt him tilt your helm upwards as he leaned in. You felt your spark skip a beat.

Did you want this..?

He looked down at your dermas and back into your optics a few times before pressing his dermas against yours in a soft, love filled kiss. Your spark soared, your processor blank as you felt yourself returning the kiss. You let out a soft moan as he bit down lightly on your dermas with his sharp denta. You noticed he felt slightly hesitant. In placing his servo on the side of your helm. He let out a for purr, pulling away for a second, "Dear Primus... (y/n)... I love you so much." He quickly pressed his dermas against yours a little more passionately, you let out a slight moan of suprise. You tried to focus on the kiss and why you wanted it so bad, but your mind was clouded with thoughts.

Is he really in love with you..?

Megatron pulled away. "I'm so sorry.." he turned his helm away, you felt your own helm turn. Everything the Dark Lord has done seemed like yesterday, but you placed your servo on his chest. Megatron looked down at you quickly, he looked into your optics as fluid brimmed at the corner of his. You smiled weakly. "Megatron..." he let out a long sigh. "I know... I shouldn't have done that... I know it wasn't the first time, but it felt like it." A blush spread across his face after he spoke. You felt your spark flutter. You looked away for a second then back up at him. "I-I... I can't forgive you for what you did... It will take some time. But I want this to work..." Megatron smiled down at you, his sharp denta showing. You leaned into him again enjoying the moment.

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