TFP: Wheeljack x Femme!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Ravage4
Description: Reader has been feeling sick lately, not knowing what's wrong they go to see Ratchet and something amazing happens! Enjoy.


You laid against the sheeted berth, another odd pain ran over your form. You gripped the sheets at the pain with a shaky sigh, slowly lifting yourself up. The walk across the room hurt, the gears becoming locked in your aching metallic body. After a few minutes of getting to the door it slide open, you stumbled out into the hallway an ache within your spark at the pain. Halfway down the hallways you leaned up against the wall, your servos clenched your chest to try and ease the ache in your spark. You took a deep shaky inhale of air you didn't need and continued to trudge down the hallway, until you could see the bright glow of the main room. The overwhelming relief that washed over you was soon ruined as your pedes overlapped one another, the feeling of your body falling forward made your optics offline. You could feel a larger servo wrap against your mid torso, the oddly warm feeling was pleasant as you were lifted. The worried expression on Bulkheads faceplates showed just how badly you must've looked, his blue optics stared into your own (f/c) optics.
"Hey are you alright? You're not lookin to good (y/n)." His vocals rang with concern, you nodded your helm motioning over to Ratchet with a sleeping gleam in your optics. The green wrecker walked toward the medic you still held in his servos, you tried not to fall asleep from the warmth.
"Ratchet," you could barely hear Bulkhead call, desperation in his voice box at his friends sparkmate in his servos. The white and orange medic let out an annoyed sigh, turning to face the bulkier mech. When the medics optics landed on your form his faceplates changed into one of worry, he prepared the medbay ordering The green mech to lay you on the berth.
"What happened?" The orange and white mech asked, hooking things against your body. Bulkhead sighed deeply shrugging his shoulder plates,
"I don't know Ratch, she just about collapsed walking here." The wrecker began to worry even more for you, running a servo across his helm with a nervous chuckle. Ratchet nodded before beginning his search for what was wrong, beginning with your energon consumption. His optics widened with a knit of his brow plate, gently rubbing his servo along your frame to see if you had a cut anywhere.
"Seems she hasn't had energon in awhile, almost as if she's starving herself." Ratchet shook his helm, but Bulkhead scoffed giving a look at the medic.
"We both know out of all the bots, (y/n) would never do that, there's gotta be something else." The wreckers optics softened at you flinching in pain, he watched your servos cup your chest in a desperate manner. Ratchet noticed this before scanning your spark chamber, his blue optics widened in surprise stumbling with his words. Bulkhead glanced at the medic, who only pushed him toward the hallway.
"Energon, quickly, four cubes." Bulkhead didn't question the medic quickly running down the hall. The medic swiftly began to check you over once more with a worried expression at your slow beating spark, he shook his helm at you cringing faceplates.
If he
"If it was any later we would've lost you, a-and your sparkling." The medic gently brushed a tear away from your optics, with a happy smiled feeling excitement weld within his body.

You could hear the spark monitor hearing faint voices, noticing an all to familiar one. You onlined your optics staring at the ceiling with a moan of pain, about to sit up when a servo gentle placed you back down.
"Don't move, you're okay." The familiar sound of Ratchet made your audials making you lay back not wanting to anger the medic, but surprised at how gentle he was being. You rubbed your helm with a sigh, glancing around the room to see only Bulkhead and Ratchet.
"W-What happened?" You could hear the strain in your vocals, the noticeable gentle smile of Bulkheads faceplates calmed your nerves. Ratchet scoffed as he quickly shot your arm with energon, you hissed in surprise and a bit of pain.
"What was that for?" You could hear the annoyance in your voice as the medic let a small smile appear, he glanced at your optics before standing upright.
"When was the last time you consumed energon?" His question caught you off guard, but you shrugged with a nervous expression.
"This morning, and a bit this afternoon." Your voice shook, but you calmed your racing spark at the playful look in his optics. He knew something you didn't,
"I actually came here to ask for a checkup, I haven't been feeling to well as of late. I don't know what's wrong with me." You turned your helm away with a sigh, Ratchet looked over at the console scrolling down with a knowing smirk.
"Do your symptoms include more energon cravings, dizziness, helm aches, body aches, spark aches, and a noticeable change in behavior?" The medic gave a knowing look at you, you and Bulkhead shared a look of confusion as you nodded. The medics smile grew as he gently placed a servo against your shoulderplating.
"You're carrying." He sounded more excited that you would've expected. Bulkhead held a shocked expression throwing his servos in the air, before falling back onto the floor with a loud shaky thud. You held your own smile quickly wrapping your servos around the medic, lubricant falling slowly down your faceplates.
"By the All Spark that's the-the best news!" You could hear your vocals squeal in delight as Ratchet wrapped his own servo around you gently with a big smile letting out a chuckle.
"If the sparkling shares any personality resembling his Sire, I'll be a little less happy." His voice rang in a joking tone, you laughed along with him as you were able to stand upright. The two of you pulled away remembering Bulkhead, quickly running over to aid him.

The days that followed you were closely watched by Bulkhead and Ratchet, no one else knew except for the the four of you counting Optimus. You waiting restlessly for Wheeljack to return, not being able to contain the news but there was that voice in you helm that held its anxiety. After awhile the side effects of carrying were hardly noticeable, except for the change in your character from being a Sweetspark to being an even more caring Sweetspark. Ratchet mentioned that some carriers could be more violent, you were glad that you weren't that way.
"We have a surprise!" Miko yelled from atop Bulkheads shoulder, you quirked a brow plate. But followed the two nonetheless, they took you out to the top of the base. You could see that familiar large ship within the cave, your optics widened as your Sparkmate leaned against it with a smirk upon his faceplates.
"Hey sunshine, hope you didn't miss me to much." His silky voice rang in your audials as you walked swiftly toward him, embracing him in a hug that almost crushed him. You placed a kiss against his dermas, then gently around his cheeks and forehead. The white mechs seems surprised at your affection, pulling away with a blue hue barely forming.
"Calm down there Sweetspark, we don't wanna get to hasty." His chuckled rumble in his chassis, an all to familiar feeling welded within you spark. Bulkhead caught on before walking back into the base to give the two of you some privacy, even though Miko wanted to see.
You laid your forehelm against his own with a nervous chuckle, gently letting your emotions flow through your spark hoping he could feel it. The wreckers seemed to have, gently lifting you in his servos with a gentle smile.
"I missed you too. I had an odd feeling I should visit, hopefully my hunch was right." He placed a gentle kiss against your dermas, you moaned with a giddy feeling forming in your body.
"I have something to tell you, Wheeljack..." your voice went to a hushed whisper, allowing you optics to offline. Wheeljacks chuckled waiting for you to continue,
"I-I'm carrying." You voice shook with worry, and anxiety built even more at the long silence. The sudden feeling of Wheeljack shaking made you online your optics, the wrecker had a smile on his faceplates with a nervous laugh.
"You're not joking, right?" He asked rubbing a digit against your cheekplating. You nodded your helm, then you heard his loud happy laugh as he spun you around. The lubricants dripped down your faceplates at his reaction, happy that he was just as excited as you.
"That's amazing (y/n)!" His vocals shook as he gently brought you up to a rough kiss, you could feel the emotions weld within your spark.

"Wheeljack what are you doing?" You questioned looking over his shoulder, as you sat within the Jackhammer. Wheeljack turned around with a wide smile holding up a toy grenade, he gently shook it as it rattled with something inside of it.
"Making some toys for my little wrecker." His voice rumbled with excitement, you chuckled at his behavior before snatching the rattle from him. You looked at the toy noticing that he made the steel outline with a thin metal sheet, and painted it to look like one of his own grenades.
"You know, when you're gonna need to blow something up you'll end up just tossing your littles once toy out the window." You could hear the tease in your vocals as the mech scoffed pulling it from your grasp, as he pulled something out from within his ship. It looked much like a crib, it had yours and his color scheme and looked like the Jackhammer. You shook your head as his audials twitched slightly from his excitement.
"It's adorable, right?!" He smiled placing it down, you nodded your helm with a nervous smile. You realized just how excited he was about you carrying, hopefully he doesn't get to carried away because you don't want you sparkling to be spoiled rotten by their sire.
"You're to adorable Jackie."


Now y'all understand why it was a femme reader, y'all was carrying a sparkling, boom! Hopefully it was cute though.

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