TFP: Yandere!Knockout x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @LuaKitsune
Description: Another Yandere request! So, usually Starscream is an a-hole and I went off that. He despises humans, getting violet with you since you're the only human aboard and also dating the Decepticon Medic. And Knockout doesn't let the Commander get away with it so easily. Enjoy!


Being the only human on this warship was nerve racking, the only two you've got to know have been Knockout and Lord Megatron. The two look out for you since you're the only asset they have to human kind. Knockout took a particular liking to you just as you did him, not that long after you became a thing. Of course after being with him you realized he was overprotective, needy and a tad bit violent when it came to someone harming you. Such asStarscream, the second in Command. He didn't like that someone on the warship was dating a human. The seeker would harm you when no one was looking, usually it was bruises but it's gotten worse. And you being the only human, were nervous all he said was true and afraid to tell everyone one due to what else he could do to you.

His servo dug within your flesh, you gasped in pain glaring up at the Second in Command. The blood that drizzled down your side began to drip onto the floor forming a small puddle, compared to them but to you it was a lot.
"Why does Megatron allow a fleshy like you to stay upon this Warship, you're useless." His words cut deep into your heart, making tears brim at the edge of your (e/c) eyes from both pain and sadness. You could feel your body numb from the blood loss realizing just how much you've lost, you could barely hear the evil laughter of the Second in Command.
"Pathetic, look at how fragile you are. I can squish your fleshy form but I do love to watch you squirm." He put his sharp digit underneath your chin making you look at him, you were dazed barely knowing what was happening but you still managed to glare at the Commander.
"At least I'm wanted." Your voice was strained but you could tell it hurt. Watching as his angered expression changed from one of shock then back to anger, he began to clamp his servo around your from. You could feel your body ache, feeling the overwhelming pain of being at a loss for breath. Beginning to black out you could hear the sound of another angered voice, feeling the adrenaline that once kept you stable leaving your body. For a second you could feel your body being flung, then landing in a warmth. You tried to stay conscious letting out a moan trying to look around, the black dots began to grow sizzling any life within your body.

"(Y/n)? Come on! Come back to me my sweet." You barely opened your eyes only to shut them, scrunching your nose at the pained feeling in your head. Barely moving your body you were picked up and into the familiar warmth, you could hardly see through blurry eyes, barely making out the red outline of the medic.
"K-Knockout? W-what happened? Starscream he-" you were hushed by the medic as he cradled your form close, bringing you up to his faceplates placing a kiss upon your forehead.
"Don't worry about him, I'm just glad you're okay. I'm never leaving you alone again." You could feel his gentle touch turn into a rough grip around your form, you let out a gasp of pain. The red mech quickly loosened his grip letting out an awkward chuckle,
"I'm sorry my dear, I didn't mean to be so rough. Just the thought of him hurting you." You began to look around the room, finally looking over seeing the said mech upon the medical berth on his own life support. Your eyes widened, looking back at Knockout then the seeker.
"Y-You did that? W-Why? I know he doesn't like me but-" you were hushed once again by Knockout who smiled lovingly at you, placing a kiss against your cheek being gentle on the stitches along your side.
"Shh, that piece of scrap deserved everything he got. I'm a medic after all, so I know how far I can go so he doesn't die." He gave you a gleeful smile, you couldn't comprehend the whole situation while still trying to keep your emotions in check. The sudden feeling of Knockout kissing your lips made your worries slip away, allowing him to slip his glossa within your mouth. His gentle moan made you pull away, a blush upon your face pushing him away.
"I-I'm sorry I just need time to-um-you know heal before you get to rough with me." The medic thought before nodding, setting you down gently onto the makeshift bed placing another kiss against your forehead. He walked over to Starscream who hadn't woken from satis, you could feel the regret in your overwhelming heart. Trying not to think to much about it, you let yourself fall back asleep not bothered by the rummaging of the tools.
You spent months sitting in the medbay, especially after Starscream recovered. Knockout refused to let you out of his sight.
You stumbled along the makeshift walkway to another part of the counter to try and get your dating exercise so you don't feel completely helpless. But the worried noise from Knockout filled your ears as he cupped his servos around you.
"Sweet Spark you shouldn't be pushing yourself, you know how much I hate you getting hurt my love." You nodded letting out a frustrated sigh annoyed that you couldn't do anything on your own without him to loom over your shoulder. The sigh didn't seem to faze the red mech. Gently you were placed against the bed feeling Knockout place a kiss against your head, patting your hair. You were relieve of the annoyance at his touchy behavior, jumping at the sudden door sliding open. Knockout put on his best fake smile looking at the grey seeker who cautiously walked into the room, giving you a sideways glance then looking back at the medic. Starscream tried to play it cool, letting his shoulder plating slump as he walked closer to you.
"(Y/n)..." you could see in his blood red optics he didn't want to be here, standing in front of you. He glanced over at Knockout who gave him a sinister grin while he motioned over to your sitting form. The grey mech gulped fumbling with his words while forcing a smile,
"I am disappointed in my actions toward you. I hope you forgive my behavior." He didn't sound to convincing to which you seen Knockout take a step toward the seeker, slamming a servo against his helm sending him flying into the edge of the counter you sat upon.
"Say it like you mean it Screamy, or I'll really make you scream!" You watched Knockout wrap his arm around the neck of the seeker lifting his helm up to look into your (e/c) orbs.
"I-I am sorry! For bringing harm to you (y/n). It will not happen again, I respect the boundaries between myself and you. Please forgive me!" You could see the life drain from his optics, you felt your heart clench nodding standing up frantically.
"K-Knockout stop it! I accept your apology Starscream." You watched relief fill the seekers optics, Knockout letting him go pushing him toward to door, watching him stumble out into the hallways. Knockout let out a low growl of anger.
"You're lucky (y/n) is kind or you'd be scrap by now." Knockout voice was pure venom, slamming his servo onto the panel that controlled the door, then quickly turning back to you. His smile was pure with happiness, compared to the one he gave Starscream. He lifted you up to his faceplates, placing a kiss against your lips.
"Want to go for a drive? I'm sure the fresh air would do you some good." He gave you that same smile, his optics glowing a horrible red. You nodded smiling up at him, regretting every decision you've made up to this point but you couldn't help but love the mech.


Hopefully it was okay! I didn't want him to go on a killing rampage but he is controlling, a bit. Hopefully it was ok... again! Still not used to yandere.

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