RID: Ratchet x Decepticon!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Deku1359
Description: The Reader and Ratchet had a secret relationship during the war, but like all good things it came to an end. After the war the Reader was caught on Cybertron and taken aboard the Alchemor which had crash landed upon Earth, where the reader meets a familiar back stabbing crustacean. Enjoy!!


You could barely remember how you got here, how you got to this point in time, a time where your lovers blade was against your throat.
His light blue optics spoke so many unknown words that you knew your own couldn't possibly scream. The expression he held was sympathetic, showing he tried to hold no remorse over the way he had you. You were the opposite, letting your optics gleam with anger and rage as your spark ripped into pieces.
Every ounce of your being burned at the thought of his betrayal.
How could he lie to you after all you had gone through, all of the holding and exchanging of words, had they meant nothing to him in the beginning? Was this all an act to let him in so he could taint all that had fueled you, taint the love you had started to grow for all sentient beings from Earth to Cybertron?

"Come, we must leave." Shockwave had spoke so suddenly you nearly missed Starscream standing beside him. They had easily freed you from your prison, slamming the medic into the wall and making a break for the door. The sight of his orange and white coating shown slightly as you glared over to him, nearly forgetting your motives and pain. Starscream and Shockwave did wait for only a second before leaving quickly,

"You're disgusting Ratchet." You didn't know what you were saying, all of the words you spoke weren't meant.
There was only a small pause before he finally looked up at you, every sweet expression you seen him hold was thrown out. Your optics widened as his face contorted into anger, when he stood something between you broke as his denta tightened. You stepped back afraid of this unknown side of him,

"Really? Disgusting? You're the reason we're in this mess, if you had realized I was using you from the beginning then maybe your leader would still be standing!" His angered voice caused the others to pause, their expressions showed surprise at the medics outburst.
You let lubricant slip down your cheekplating, watching his expression change slightly to regret. It didn't last long once your body unknowingly moved forward to slam your fist into his faceplates, sending him tumbling between the floor and wall again. Your spark stopped at the sound of metal against metal. His actions and words broke the last bit of light you carried, realizing now how badly he had brought you over the edge.

"I loved you! I changed for you, for us..." your body shook as he finally sat up,
The glowing blue blood trickled down his chin as he looked up at you, the regret setting even more into his faceplates. You gave him another quick glance, hoping your body wouldn't fall apart at the seems.

"You're just as bad as a Con for what you did. I expected more from you, and now I can see why there can never be peace between us and you." Your voice trailed off as you strode passed Arcee, who had nearly slapped you but was quick to stop at Ratchet's voice and the sound of your gears turning.
"N-No (y/n). I-I-" he was cut off at the sudden roar of your engines, catching every bots attention around you.
He watched your (f/c) jet form twist and descend down flying out of the Nemesis, and toward a place he couldn't see. All that went through your helm was all of the flirty remarks, sweet words and constant love. That in itself made your spark break more, knowing it was now down the drain once he held that blade to your throat.

You could remember that day so vividly. It wasn't always the topic of your processor but when it was you were helpless, just like when you missed home, only now regretting the decision to go back since it would've been best to stay away from Cybertron. Luckily your secrets had stayed hidden, only being able to move around with a certain group of Decepticon's that trusted you.
Since then your whole persona changed while working with the worst of the worst, there was no room for mercy ever. There were only small moment to yourself when you weren't running around helping with a business you couldn't free yourself from. There had been mentions of illegal space bridges, high grade, technology and so much more and luckily you only seen very few but that didn't mean you weren't there to rough up a bot who wouldn't pay.
The whole situation lasted only the few cycles you had stayed, until the operation was ransacked from a bot who couldn't keep their mouth shut. You had let yourself be taken in, knowing if you had stayed out longer you would slowly lose your helm to the carnage around you.
The stasis pod had easily kept you at ease, but your processor slowly began to eat away at you. Your metallic body was cold, frozen over with no feelings whatsoever, realizing later on that it was worse than you had planned, nearly forgetting about all of the broken memories you had. All you had in your helm was his voice, his touch, there was no way to describe how much you loved and hated it. And that's how you got back here, where these other cons had never been, back on Earth.

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