TFP: Holoform!Soundwave x Short!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @CosplayFanGirl
Description: So I know you asked for a very short reader! But I had to include a holoform because I don't think Soundwave would've known you were short unless ya know?! So anyway the reader went shopping, secrets between Megs and Sounds because he wanted to surprise you by turning human! Enjoy!


You held onto the large thin digit as Soundwave walked out of the room, you swung your legs slightly enjoying the view from his height. Hoping off his servo you stood next to him by the systems console, watching him type away. The sudden deep voice of Megatron made you flinch, looking down feeling the overwhelming danger. The Decepticon Leader spoke to Soundwave out of earshot from you, knowing it wasn't anything good. You flinched back when the Communications Officer reached out for you, holding you like a doll his servo wrapped around your waist. You could feel the fear rise within you as you reached the flight deck, you could feel the fear numb your body as you held onto the thin servo for dear life.
"Please don't do this Soundwave..." you looked up at the purple mech, who tilted his helm at your behavior a question mark popping up on his visor. Your own confusion began to surface as the mech transformed around you, giving you a warmed seat within the jet. The fly was odd, he didn't go to fast or to slow and you knew he was faster than this. Slowly he began to land, near a city you didn't quite know. The whole situation was odd, a few moments ago you thought you were going to die, but here you were in a large city. Soundwave had a little thin slit of paper come out of a small space in his jet form, you noticed it was a card. You gave an odd look at the dash, until words began to form on a screen.
"So, I'm supposed to go and shop for things I need?" There was a smiley face shown on the little screen, you gave a sigh of relief hearing the top open and being able to breathe in the fresh air. You hopped out not waiting for anything else the thin mech wanted to tell you, jogging along the side of the road coming to a halt when you reached the city streets. The excitement from being able to shop for yourself made you happy, the Second in Command stealing from a base didn't come with the best goods.
"No way! (f/f)! And is that sweet delicious chocolate!" You barged into the small bakery that you found after while of walking into the city. You swiped the card hoping it didn't need a pin, you had a mini celebration that it didn't while getting the baked goods. You sat down and began to eat the dessert already knowing it was going to be a good afternoon. Once you walked out you decided to get some knew clothes, since you've been wearing the same two pairs of clothes for a long time.
"Ooo," you came up to your favorite clothes store, deciding to get something to suit you on the Nemisis and maybe Soundwave would arrive of, then deciding to buy a pair of shoes to go with it and some matching shocks. You stumbled out of the store with a bag full of clothes, you went on your way to pick up shoes. Stopping every now and again to see new phones and cases, deciding to pick out a new phone case with a purple galaxy. While happily walking down the sidewalk you were hit with the realization that you needed more food. You decided to go to a grocery store closest to the outskirts of the city, since you weren't that far in anyway. You walked in to the store holding your bags, finding a cart and shoved them in. You got as much food as you could, mostly heat ups and some things you could make on your own. You walked up to the cash register cart full of different things, and started to stack them on the counter giving a playful smile to the cashier. The sudden voice of a man behind you asking if you needed help,
"Do you need any help with all of that kiddo?" You felt a blush form realizing he must've thought you were some kid with your moms credit card, he didn't look that much older than you, you fumbled wth your words but got straight to the point,
"Yeah, I can get it to my car." The guys eyes widened at you, glancing over at the food then back at your smaller form. Before he could speak you heard the cashier tell you your total, you paid and quickly ran back outside. You rode the cart out into the parking lot, and down the road not caring you stole it. Making it back to where the Silent Mech had dropped you off but their was no one in sight, you began to worry thinking it wasn't the right spot. You sat down and waited for awhile, playing with your phone. Suddenly there were foot steps walking toward you, glancing back to see the tall Silhouette of a man. You stood holding tightly onto your phone, you weren't that tall compared to the man but you knew you'd still beat the scrap out of him or maybe it was the same guy from before.
"Can I help you?" You glared over at the person, noticing that they were much closer now. You slightly jumped back but recovered, knowing if you showed you were scared they'd have an advantage over you. You could finally see the black visor like glasses type thing over their face, and the purple attire reminded you of...
"S-Soundwave?" You could see the figure nod, you let out a sigh slumping down to sit holding your heart feeling it beating roughly against your chest,
"You piece of scrap! You scared me... I didn't know you could turn human?" You looked back over to see he was sitting next to you, you jumped back letting out a shriek. You could see a small smile form on his lips, you groan running a hand through your hair. Sitting in the awkward silence for while, you decided to stand pointing at the cart.
"Can we head back to the ship now? I feel like most of this is going to melt if we don't hurry back." You could see him nod, standing next to you, you could barely see the outline of his eyes. He held up his hand and brought it toward you head, ruffling you hair then bringing it back to show you how tall he was compared to you. You scoffed turning away, hearing a chuckle fill your ears then hearing a sizzling like sound. You glanced back seeing him gone, only for the actual Soundwave to emerge. He wrapped his servo around you, then the cart with his other and finally opening a ground bridge.
"So, since you can turn human can I make you something!? I promise it won't be bad." You glanced up at him, he thought for a minute then nodded. You smiled, as he let you back onto the floor while gently putting the cart down, you drove over to your little living space and started putting the food away. The sudden presence of a familiar person found its way up your back giving you a chill, you glanced over at Soundwave who sat upon your table waving. You became hyper with happiness, beginning to get out the ingredients you needed for the dessert you wanted him to try. After a long hour or two of slaving over the kitchen you finally finish, giving a plate to Soundwave smiling. He glanced down at the plate then at you, you watched as he took a bite you felt weird to watch him eat.
"So is it good!" You smiled glancing over at him, he nodded reaching his hand over to ruffle your (h/c) locks. You giggled and decided to get your own, sitting beside Soundwave enjoying your own dessert. The sudden feeling of Soundwave moving, you glanced up only to feel a warm comforting embrace around you. You felt like crying, knowing this evil Decepticon was giving you a hug. You wrapped your arms around his thin form, you could feel his heart beat. You smiled snuggling into his chest, not bothered by the feeling of something touching your forehead.
"Awe Soundwave! Ima cry." You felt your lower lip quiver as the warmth of fresh tears coated his clothing, you could hear a rumble in his chest as he chuckled. Pulling away and kissing your tears away, you were red from crying but know your were super red from his affections. He gently pecked your nose and went back to hugging you, you could feel yourself relax more into his hold feeling special knowing this Decepticon was a softie.


Yay! Finally starting back over with the requests! Hopefully you guys get the system now... maybe?! Anyway! Hope you enjoyed!

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