TFP: Megatron x Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Description: Giving the Decepticon Leader love, even though he's always in a "I hate you" mood.


You had known the Decepticon Leader for what felt like a long time, and he still didn't fully trust you. Everyday, on the nemesis you would greet the Leader with the same happy grin. Every other bot liked your company, even Starscream(suprisingly), yet the grey mech would scoff and walk off. Still you kept being nice to the edgy Leader, always trying to talk to the bot. And finally, after a long while, he finally talked back, well... sometimes he would.

After being on the Nemesis for about a year, you had been well fed and of course happy. Yet there you were, starving and almost on the brink of death, for at least a few days. And finally after mild convincing, you were sitting on the kitchen table, eating to your hearts content, while those piercing blood red optics watched your every move. You had convinced the Leader to have Soundwave let you go to get food, of course he ignored it at first until you started hugging on him, for some reason he would give in. You had no idea why, maybe he didn't like the affection and wanted you to leave him alone.

Every few months you'd have to do the same thing. And this week was one of those times.

You walked through the sliding door, quickly walking past the vehicons to the throne in the middle of the room. You walked up to the Dark Lord, slowly climbed up his pede, to his mid torso until he picked you off him. The grey bot was holding you, gently, in his servo. He glanced at you with that same look, anger and annoyance. You smiled at him and motioned to your mouth, he obviously got the message but scoffed, setting you on his shoulderplating. You let out a soft whine, moving over to his faceplates, placing a hand against the, surprisingly, warm cheek of the Decepticon leader. After awhile of tapping your hands up on his faceplateing, he let out a deep growl and grabbed you from his side, holding you so you were in his optics level. He glared at you, but you weren't fazed by it.
You slowly held out your hand and touched his cheeks and leaned in closer to him. The usually stone cold Decepticon was now some what hot. You leaned in closer, waiting for him to pull you away. You knew from the moment you looked into his optics, those blood red optics that are now full of curiosity and love.
You slowly pressing your lips against his dermas, this action made the mighty Leader melt. Megatron slowly leaned in to enhance the kisses affects of the bubbly feeling in his metallic being, and the way your lips felt against his dermas. After a few seconds of kissing the grey mech, you pulled away, noticing a few vehicons starring. Megatron was still in a dazed state, as he shook his helm, he glanced around and scoffed.
"What are you looking at! Get back to work, or I'll rip your sparks out!"
Megatron growled annoyingly. You chuckled and looked up at him and tilted your head.
"Can me and Soundy go get food now?" Megatron glanced down at you in his servo and nodded, slowly setting you down. You noticed that look in his optics, you smiled up at him,
"I love you Megsy!" You whisper screamed and ran over to Soundwave, giggling as you turned to see Megatrons' faceplates a light shade of red.


Short but sweet??

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