Bayverse: Ironhide x Fem!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @ToshiElias999666
Description: Bayverse request! Mr.BigHardcore is jealous of readers older brother who came to visit, but he doesn't know it's her brother! That is until way after, when he gets mushy about him being the only one that needs to protect her. Enjoy!?


You were fastened securely into the passenger seat, the familiar warmth radiating from the seat was comforting. Gently you leaned into it, allowing your (e/c) eyes to close from a tiring day. It was odd to think you were sitting in an actual living being, like what if you were in the weirdest spot on his body? You shuddered at the thought, deciding not to sleep any longer. The familiar tune of the radio buzzed in allowing the silence to be no more. As you pulled up to the familiar house you resided at you sighed loudly. Unbuckling your seat belt allowing yourself to swing your bag over your shoulder, about to thank the grey and black bot but someone stepped out of the house. The excitement that ran through your body made you slam the truck door and run into their arms, the familiar safety feeling raced to your heart.
"I can't believe you're home! I thought-" your older brother ruffled your (h/c) hair making you whine in annoyance, swatting his hand away.
"I had to come back home and visit my little sis. And who's that in the truck?" Your brother glanced over to the truck still idoled in its place, walking over with you wrapped around one arm. He gently knockout on the window making you slap his hand, before apologizing.
"We shouldn't bug him (b/n), he has somewhere else to be!" You struggled to drag your brother into the house, hearing the familiar rev of an engine as Ironhide drove off. Letting out a relieved sigh you tossed your bag against the floor, until you were tickled at the sides. Trying to get away from the person, but they held you back tickling your sides more frequently now.
"Who was that? Is that your boyfriend, if so he's got good taste in trucks." Your brothers teasing voice was barely heard through your laughing fit. The blush on your face wasn't just from laughing to hard.

You've tried to suppress the feeling for your guardian, but it was hard due to having to see him almost everyday. He was hard on a lot of people but when it came to you he was patient, maybe that was why you found him so attractive. He may not be the same species but everything about him was attractive, his usual violent demeanor or just how he took note of things you enjoyed. You knew nothing could stop you from not finding him amazing, not even the worlds disapproval of love. The mech has helped you through a lot, and protected you from Decepticons, or just looking out for you in general.

You were shaken at your thoughts from gasping for air, after all the tickling.
"It's just a friend, they just drive me to school and back home." You could hear the shakiness in your voice as you finally replenished your lungs with air. Your brother gave you a suspicious glance before shrugging, about to walk into the kitchen before turning around.
"Hopefully their awesome. I just wanna know who my little sis is hangout with, hopefully the good crowd." His voice was lower than its usual tone showing he wasn't joking around. Only if he knew just how good Ironhide was, saving the world and you from Decepticons.

You lazily swung your bag over your shoulder, walking to the front door after hearing the familiar horn. The walk down the sidewalk was long, barely even remembering what had happened. You stared out the window seeing your brother running up, you were about to open the door but it locked in place. Remembering he didn't know about Ironhide you began to roll down the window when it closed almost immediately. You quickly looked at the center console giving the mech a glare, as your brother walked up to the door before having it slam right into him. The shocked expression on both of your faces were priceless, rolling down the window to apologize as Ironhide sped off down the road.
"What was that! Ironhide!!" You yelled, staring out the back window to see if your brother was okay, but Ironhide let out a grunt.
"That runt deserved it...." he mumbled the last bit to himself before turning on your favorite radio station. The drive to school was awkward, you tried not to rage at the bot when he unclicked the seat belt and popped open the door. All you could do was grumble a 'whatever, see you after school.' then headed to class. You didn't know what had gotten into Ironhide, maybe he just didn't know your brother and got nervous? No he's hardly ever nervous. The thoughts kept flooding in ruining the focus of your last school year work. The week went on with the same things, either slamming doors or the truck door is to hot.
You had no idea why Ironhide was acting such a way toward your brother, you pondered to find a reason why but could never find a solution that is until today.
When you walked out and into the school yard you could see your brother in the parking lot , leaning against the black truck of Ironhide glancing over at you. You could feel anxiety build within you, as you walking over to your brother. He gave you that look that meant your were either dead, or you had a lot of explaining to do.
"Hey (b/n), I see you found my friends truck..." you could already hear your voice shake from fear, trying to avoid eye contact. Your brothers (e/c) eyes bore into your form, making you shiver under its power.
"So, where's your boyfriend? I had a giant suspicion you've been lying about this 'friend.'" His voice was barely quiet enough for your to hear, as he leaned down toward you gently poking your shoulder. You flinched back wondering how'd you'd explain Ironhide being a centient being from another planet here to protect the earth with his fellow Autobot friends. He wouldn't believe you, but you didn't have to answer due to him being slammed with the passenger door, and Ironhides' voice demanding you to get in. You didn't have time to worry about your brother, knowing he would beat your ass in a minute.
Stumbling into the truck you could hear you brothers surprised stammers at the trucks voice, and driving away on its own. The drive was silent until you had enough of whatever it is Ironhide had against your brother.
"Why do you keep hurting (b/n), you do know he has a lot of burn marks and bruises because of you." Your voice was a bit higher than it's normal tone to get your point across, but it had no effect against the mechs usually hard nature.
"He was threatening you, made me feel uneasy." His voice didn't change from his usual tone as he drove along the road, you didn't give him a chance to change the subject.
"Uneasy? That's hardly a thing for you to feel, he's just overprotective. It's not a big deal." You could feel the seat belt around you tighten, as the bot scoffed annoyed at your response.
"I am your guardian, I am protecting you no one else. He's just a human with no muscle, while I can easily squish him." You could hear the jealousy drip from his dermas, as he stopped at your house letting out a sigh you nodded hiding the blush from your face,
"Yea, I guess you're right. But I see no reason to be jealous of my brother Ironhide, for such a tough guy you're blinded by your softness towards me." You let out a chuckle at his own silence as he tried to stutter out a response, it felt so unusual to hear him be such a way.
"I-I knew he was your brother! I just wanted to make sure you-um-I-nevermind." He huffed opening the door, but before you left you gently kissed the dash.
"There is no reason to be jealous Ironhide, hopefully you know that I'm very delighted to know you want to protect me." You could feel the heat radiate off the mech, as you stepped out gently shutting the door. Not until you heard his voice through the speakers,
"Hopefully you know I'd do anything for you (y/n). See you tomorrow, love you." His voice may have went quiet at the end but you heard him, smiling brightly before walking with a noticeable skip in your step.
"Love you too Ironhide!" You quickly ducked into your house, letting out a squeal of excitement while covering your blushing face.


Sorry if it's not what you wanted, I didn't know how else to make him overprotective other than to include some conflict. And yes, actually had to do a female because plot! But still I think it was okay... hopefully!

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