TFP: Megatron x Half Pokemon!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @sssappie
Description: The reader is a Charizard, captured by Megatron to be examined. The reader does find a fascination with the metal robot, and he finds a fascination with the reader. Enjoy.


You could feel your mouth burn with anger, never had you been more disrespected. The larger red eyed robot held you within his hand, he examined your body and orange and purple wings. His digits glided along the scales, reaching the edge of the tail running his metallic hand gently over the flames tip. As much as you despised being touched in such a way you couldn't help but blush, your (s/c) cheeks warmed to a bright red glow. You already knew what was to come next, your sharp teeth bit down on the digits that came closer to your face. The surprise on the beings faceplates showed a bit of pain at how hot your mouth had become, realizing that your whole body was warmer than a normal humans.
"If you wish to live I suggest you stop fussing." His deep voice grumbled, pushing you to lay back as he examined you more. The dark grey male robot began to run his digits along you again, even digging passed your loose sweater. You could feel a bit of warmth from his digit that grazed beneath your undershirt, realizing just how far he would be willing to go to examine you.
"H-Hey! S-Stop it, that's mildly uncomfortable!" Your voice hissed, hot steam floating through the air, your (e/c) eyes lit up significantly with anger. The mech scoffed glaring down at you harder, his over-towering figure sending you back in defeat.
"I do not care if you're uncomfortable. Now, shut it." His voice rumbled with annoyance as his brow plates raised, lifting you closer to his faceplates. The mechs optics dimmed at the sight of your form, realizing just how different you were. He hummed at the thought, lifting your tail running his digits along the scales with a fascinated gleam. Within seconds you were placed back into the weird cage like box, being shaken around as he cared you carelessly within his servo. You knew talking back would only anger the larger robotic being, but that didn't mean you didn't try breaking out. The taller grey mech scoffed as he heard you slamming against the bars, even heating them to a burning red crisp.
"This cage can withstand your heat, half fleshy." His vocals rang with anger, tossing you against a desk. A red smaller bot came into view staring down at you, his red optics bore into your smaller frame.
"Lord Megatron, What is it?" The red bot lifted you up, examining your with its optics. You hissed slamming forward onto the cage, the medic jumped back in surprise and pain as the heated bars burned through his paint.
"That is for you to figure out, Knockout." Megatron spoke in a demanding voice, one that sounded more gruff than it did when you were alone. Knockout growled with a menacing smile, lifting the cage up once more.
"Don't not worry My Liege, I'll leave no scale unturned." The red mechs voice grew low, as he stared at you. You stumbled back feeling fear erupt within you, wishing to go back with Megatron.

The few days that passed went by slow, Megatron would show every once in awhile to check-up on how the studies were going. Unfortunately not to well due to your less cooperative nature, of course when Megatron did comes to check-up you'd be following each command. During those few days you've been on the Warship, you've been starved barely being able to move and not being able to spread your wings was a downside.
"Please let me out, I can't stand it in here!" You grumbled gnawing at the steel bars, beginning to heat up with anger flowing through your body. Knockout scoffed turning away, grumbling out a few unheard words slamming straight into a grey mech chassis.
"Oh-Lord Megatron! I am deeply sorry for-" the medic was quickly cut off by the leader pushing him aside, he gently brought a servo down to you with a gentle touch.
"Have you not been feeding this pet? How can you possibly do any research if it's dead!?" Megatron glared back at the medic who quivered under the glare, with an awkward chuckle.
"Well you see-I-um-" Knockout fumbled with his words, nervous from how badly he may have messed up. Megatron gripped you in his servo walking out of the room, you were surprised at the sight but nevertheless relived to be out of the cramped cage. The grey mech had went into a main room you're never seen before, his optics landing on a thiner purple robot.
"Soundwave open a portal to the surface." His voice wasn't as demanding but held its usual hard tone. Your eyes widened at the large green and white swirling vortex before you, feeling curiosity building within your head. Once on the other side you held your aching stomach, realizing you couldn't vomit only due to your stomach being empty of any other liquids or food besides it's own acidity.
"What food do you half fleshies eat?" Megatron's voice rumbled through the forest, barely hearing him as he still held onto you. You squirmed to be free, ready to spread your wings and fly. The mech didn't seem to care until your body grew more hot, burning his servo leaving a noticeable mark. Your wings fluttered with a burning ache, as your stomach too ached with hunger.
"Hey get back here!" His voice growled, pushing passed trees as you flew skillfully through them. With each turn and flap of your wings, the more desperate for food you needed. You noticed the familiar surrounds, taking sharp turns to find a normal source for food even though Megatron was on your tail.
Megatron growled deeply, reaching out to grab you before slipping landing on his aft quite harshly. His optics darted up to see you already over the water, fish in hand as you bit down into it your body already used to consuming the delicacy. Megatron could feel a knot in his stomach watching you consume the water creature, seeing you visibly enjoying the food.
"Thank you for-" you were rudely cut off as the mechs vocals overpowered your own.
"Never do that again, or I swear you'll be missing your wings." You could tell he wasn't trying to sound to harsh, knowing it was because you left without a word on what you were doing. You sighed deeply, looking at the sun barely beginning to set. The mech still sat by the lake, being sure to keep an optic on your fishing form.
"As much as I hate water, I'm glad to be human otherwise it wouldn't be easy to catch fish." Your voice rang in an annoyed but happy tone, the mech didn't seem to care but you found his company quite fun. The mechs surprise showed as you say upon his shoulderplating, you wings fluttered gently at his warmth. You tried not to make it awkward, watching the ripple of the water as the winds carried through the small clearing. After a few minutes the mech sighed deeply, almost longingly at the sight.
"Even as a fearless leader I too need a break from this war." His voice was just above a hushed whisper, as he allowed his body to relax for a bit. You had no idea what was happening but you enjoyed being outside once more, not bothered by the thought you would be going back to the warship just as long as this mech was by your side.


If you're not happy with the reader being a Charizard, I had my sis pick a random Pokémon so... hopefully it was still ok! Sorry if it wasn't all romance, I feel it would've moved to fast after being captured.

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