Rescue Bots: High Tide x Femme!Siren!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Marvel1Maiden
Description: Siren, half mermaid thingy! This kind of takes place when the rescue team are trying to stop an oil spill, and that's when the Reader meets High Tide. The Reader admires him from afar knowing she's found the one, until she decides to finally show herself. Enjoy!


Your tail swished back and forth in the water, hearing the familiar calls of the aquatic life. The calming sound of the waves tingled at your audials, nothing could ruin a moment of bliss. You swam around checking on a few places until you reached an open area where a black substance began to cloud the water around you. The small fish swam away in fear as you took in the scent of the pitch black water.
"Oil?" Your (f/c) optics gleamed in wonder, noticing the life in the ocean couldn't handle oil as well as your robotic body could. The fear began to rise as you swiftly swam through the hazy mist of black, watching as it drifted slowly up to the waters surface. Your audials tingled at the familiar sound of rotors turning, your optics fixed on the red ship not to far from the oil spill. An odd looking sub came floating through an opening at the bottom, it was a lovely shade of blue that nearly matched the shiny water surrounding it and the yellow gleamed like gold. You began to float behind the large rocks so it couldn't see you following. While you were captivated at its spinning rotors, it reached a pipe with oil spewing from it. Once it reached the pipe it transfomered into a large mech, his dermas covered by a grey mouth piece, while he checked the pipe. The blue mechs paint glistened against the light as he moved to grab a rock to cover the pipe, but it didn't end so well as he was tossed back. Your body became overwhelmed with a surge of emotions allowing your dermas to part in a gasp, realizing he might be harmed. Before you could swim over toward the mech he quickly transformed back into a sub, then retreated back to his larger ship.
Their was a long pause as you swam up toward the ship nervous of what he would do, until another red boat and two other bots flew across the water. Your optics widened as the oil began to disappear around you, feeling thankful that these bots had showed up to help. You watched as the four much smaller bots dove into the water, after a large object. They didn't seem to catch your optics like the large one had, but they were trying to protect your ecosystem. You wanted to help alongside them, to help stop the oil from ruining the one place you called home but before you could even swim over a gigantic bot transformed from the ship that held the blue bot in it. The giant white and red ship helped the smaller mechs to screw on the large object covering the oil pipe, and once they finished they started to leave. You couldn't think of any other way to thank them but to watch from afar.
Ever since then you'd swim side by side with the large ship, hoping to see the large mech. You had learned that his designations was High Tide, he was a bit of a bossy bot but he still had a sweetness to him. You didn't know how many earth days you've been following him for, but you enjoyed the company whenever he was on deck. The sound of his talking fizzled through the surface of water, as you gently ran your digits along the side of the ship with a needy feeling in your spark.

Hightide brought a servo up to type on the datapad, making sure everything was in order as his ship sailed through the water. His helm shook at the surprise droplets of water against his faceplates, he glanced up at the partly clouded sky knowing there was a storm on the way. The blue mech could feel an overwhelming feeling of calmness, that seemed to loosen his nerves. High Tide put a servo out to have the gentle droplets drizzle through his palm, missing Servo who would've happily ran around the deck in the rain.
He walked through the pouring rain to get back inside to shield himself from the thunder and lightening. High Tide could feel the ship shake with the larger tides coming in, he began to do usual protocols to keep the ship safe. His green optics scanned over the deck watching as waves lifted the front end then slowly made its way to the back. Slowly the mech made it toward a room in the ship, laying himself gently on the berth. High Tide could feel his metallic body tingle, at the sudden splash of water that didn't match the waves. The blue mech didn't think much of it, running a servo against his helm thinking he may have been recharge-deprived. His green optics flickered from the door then back up to the ceiling before letting his optics slowly offline, drifting into recharge.
A loud clap of thunder rumbled the ship, shaking the blue mech into a startling upright position. His green optics glowed in the dark lighting his way through the room, leaning against the wall for support as his flipper-like pedes caught one another. The mech landed harshly against the floor, his arms at his sides as he hissed in pain.
"Slag-sucking glitch." His vocals rose an octave, as he lifted himself from the cold metal ground. High Tide stumbled toward the deck to make sure nothing bad happened while he was recharging. His optics scanned over the thick fog that barely hid the deck, the datapad he once held was placed in the central room. High Tide went down toward the lower deck an odd feeling in his metallic body made him look out toward the sea. He could feel his digits twitch as a chill went up his back struts, as a sudden voice called his name far off in the distance. The mech had a nervous feeling wash over him at the ghostly voice calling out to him, then suddenly he could hear a gentle hum around him.
"High Tide~" sang the ominous vocals of a femme. He could feel his audials twitch, his metallic body unknowingly moving toward the side of the ship it came from. Suddenly his audials rumbled as a gentle song edged its way into him, it was so orgasmic, whispery and angelic all in the same. Through the fog he could see the upper body of a femme, it's piercing (f/c) optics made his tank do flips at the beauty of her frame. High Tide could barely contain his excitement from how this femme made him feel, as its song serenaded his body to reach out to grasp her within his hold. He reached far enough his upper body plunged into the dark depths of the ocean, knocking him conscious from the vocals that lulled him to a pleasure like no other.

You could feel your vocals shake to a stop, nervous if he was okay after such a fall. The blue mech wasn't hard to find since the darkness barely effect your sight. High Tide was sinking gently to the ocean floor, a spring of light brown sand flew around his form as he landing with a grunt. Even without your voice he was mesmerized at your sleek form swimming toward him, his glowing curious optics pierced your very spark as he noticed the fish like tail.
As you got closer you took in the smallest details of his large metallic body, realizing just how much more attractive he was up close. In the crevices of High Tide's royal blue paint were bubbles floating up around him, the dark grey tubes protruding from his shoulders and cheekplating were attacked to golden tanks locked onto his back struts.
You gently reached a servo out to run along his shoulderplating, and grazing your digits against the golden marks that seemed foreign to you. He seemed hesitant about the physical contact but soon began to gently lean into it. The gentle touch went down to his servos, gliding along the golden metal plating above them. You gently brought his large servo to rest against your chest, as your spark pulsed against the touch. He seemed hypnotized by the gentle beat of your spark, a noticeable blue hue emitted from around the two of you. You stared into his glowing emerald optics that held an emotion unknown to the both of you. Slowly you brought your smaller servo up to his faceplates, gently running your digits along the smooth silver metal as he leaned gently into the affection. His dermas were parted as bubbles gently flew from them, you allowed your thumb digit to glide along his lower derma. A sudden urge filled your body, as your tail swayed to keep you afloat in place. You leaned slowly toward his helm, gliding your other servo along the glass and golden bits of his chassis.
"You're a very attractive High Tide~" His green optics dimmed at the sound of your vocals shaking in a gentle song. You could feel his arm wrap around your waist to pull you closer and hold you in place. High Tide may have been much larger than you, but he didn't seem to mind as his spark calmed to a gentle beat against your servo. Slowly you placed a kiss against his dermas your singing cutting short thinking he would pull away, but he held you closer to his larger frame a hum rumbled against your dermas. You could feel his kiss send a tingle slowly down your body, as his large servo cupping the side of your helm to deepen the kiss. High Tide could feel his metallic body scream in pleasure at such a simple kiss, realizing just how much he needed such attention.
The two of you pulled away laying your forhelms pressed together staring into each others optics, not realizing just how much time had passed until a gleam of light gently raised over the horizon. The mech held a gently smile as he rubbed circles against your cheekplating, realizing just how beautiful your (f/c) paint glistened in the dim lighting. You knew you couldn't keep him so you pulled away from his warm hold, gently placing a kiss against the golden circle on his forehelm.
"Till we meet again my love." Your vocals shook loud and clear in his audials, as he watched you float back. He tried to speak to ask for your name but it was gurgled by the surrounding water. High Tide did get to hear your angelic laughter, as his mouth piece covered his dermas to speak again but you were already gone.


I feel this was good, even though I was struggling to figure out the scenario! Hopefully y'all think the same!!

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