Rescue Bots: Blades x Autobot!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @HarperLittleTurtle11
Description: After being caught in a fatal position, the Reader tries to comfort a scared Blades but with so little time left confessions are made. Enjoy...!


His optics onlined for only a second to barely see the rubble over the caverns entrance. He still laid against the cold floor mind a daze as the gentle drip of water hitting his helm.
The mech hand no recollection of the previous events, other than the fact his body was numb and you were no where to be seen. Blades could vaguely remember your voice yelling out to him, then everything went black. He onlined his optics finally understanding the situation,
"(Y-y/n)?!" His hazy orange optics held terror, lubricant barely beginning to build at the brim of them. The young mech tried his best to stay calm by taking deep breaths he didn't need, and telling himself you were okay.
But he couldn't stop the fear growing deep within his chassis, his digits digging into the dirt as he slowly lifted himself from the ground. Blades limped toward the rocks that covered the last place he knew you could be.
The orange mech weakly moved the rocks away from the caves opening, some being to large to lift alone. His frantic movements only worsened the ache in his side, realizing just how badly the rockslide damaged his metallic body. Blades threw himself at one larger rock, sending more debris down to the stone floor but it didn't help his digging.
"Please be o-okay." His vocals shook in worry as he moved any rock he could lift. He kept repeating the words over and over hoping to ease the ache in his spark. Blades tried moving more rocks off to the side to get where he needed to go. The orange and white mech could feel his own body began to fail, stumbling against the cavern wall with a pained groan. His servo hooked to his side coughing harshly before remembering he could call for help,
"Can anyone hear me!? (y/n)!? Please someone, anyone!!" His vocals shook against the cave walls as he removed his digits from the comm, taking deep breaths to keep calm. The mech sat for a few minutes trying to comm for help, before standing to start moving rocks out of the way again. He was on his own.
His servos shook as he moved more rocks, noticing just how thick the rock wall was.
"(Y-Y/n)! Please answer me! Please!" The mech voice stuttered as lubricant began to fall onto the cold cave floor. His grip on the rock loosened making it drop onto the ground as he held a servo up to cover his pained cries.
The rock that fell allowed more smaller rocks to tumble from the wall, a gleam of (f/c) stood out from the dark colors of the debris around it. Blades sobs cut short at the glint of your color scheme, gasping before his body quickly moved to remove the surrounding debris blocking you from him. His body may have ached but the need to know you were okay was all that mattered to him.
His servo clenching tightly onto your shoulderplating beginning to pull your limp form from the rockslide. He immediately stopped noticing the bright glowing blue substance on your side, his optics widened before gently pulling you out more.
"Primus! (Y-Y/n)! N-no no no!" The lump in his throat returned causing him to let out a choked gasp, looking at the sharp rock sticking out from your side. Blades tried to keep you steady as he pulled your whole body from the rubble. The younger mech brushed off the pebbles and mud coating your body, lifting you up to his audials being extra careful of the patruding piece of rock.
Your spark beat was barely thumping against your chest, and that was enough to make the mech cry in joy and also sadness. His arms wrapped around you digging his digits into the crevices of your body, letting all of his emotions to slip passed his optics in tears. The cries that filled the cave room bounced into your own audials, his vocals repeating the same sentence over and over again.
"(Y/n), please stay with me. I-I-" he tried to finish his sentence but his sobs interrupted him. The orange mech tried to rationalize the situation, he couldn't help you without medical supplies and that only made him sob more into your slowly dying form.
"I-I can't loose you. Please (y/n) wake-" his sobs were cut off by a servo being placed against his shoulder. He pulled away to stare into your dimmed (f/c) optics, noticing the energon coming from your intake.
"B-Blades? T-Thank the Primes your okay." Your voice was barely above a raspy whisper, as your body shook from the horrible coughing. Blades shook his helm lubricant still brimming at his optics,
"Who cares about me! (Y/n) I-I'll get you out of here. Hold on!" Blades vocals filled with desperation as he began to lean you against the caverns walls, but before he could move away you had caught his arm. He stared down into your beaten up body, trying to pull away to get you back to base.
"W-What are you doing! I'm trying to get us out of here-" he was cut off by your pained groans, as you weakly pulled him back toward you.
"It's okay Blades. Look at me. Okay? I-I'm not going to make it-" you were cut off by his helm shaking frantically, lubricant spraying against your cheek. A weak smile graced your dermas at his still adorable behavior,
"N-No, don't say that! I'll get us out, I'll-I'll-" He stopped his movements at the feeling of your servo being placed against his cheekplating. A visible smile still on your face. The young mech couldn't help but be disgusted by it, by how much it hurt him to see you smiling at a moment like this.
"Blades, sweetspark... it's okay." Your vocals shook weakly as you began to rub your thumb digit along his plating, your optics brightened only for a second.
"I-It's okay, I'm j-just glad I-I got to save you for once." Your chest shook with a raspy chuckle, your faceplates cringed in pain as the wound began to hurt more. The mech began to cry once again as his tears began to drip against your servo, his helm snuggling closer to the barely even warm touch.
"P-Please don't leave me (y-y/n). I-I can't do this without you, I-I lov-" his intake was covered by your digit, his optics stared into your own with a pleading look. Your gaze held its own plea while you shook your helm,
"Don't, it'll make this s-so much harder." The beating of your spark slowed horrible, causing your eyes to close for only a moment but that only caused more deaths to rise.
"But I-I know... oh Blades I really do." Your vocals shook along with your own sobs, as you choked against a sob a lump forming in your throat. Realizing just how heartbreaking this was for both of you, and just how much you wish the confession was on better conditions. The overwhelming feeling of every emotion you felt throughout your life time fell over you, lubricants slipping passed your optics as your vision began to fade. Your grip on his cheek began to slump, each second that passed the less you could hear his pleas.
"(Y/n)! Stay up a little longer, I'll get you back to the Firehouse!" Blades vocals barely registered in your audials, watching as his blurred figure ran at the blocked exit bringing down more rocks. Your helm loosely hung to the side, your hushed voice calling for the mech once last time.

You could feel your nerves register the amount of force on your body, the familiar snores began to fill your audials. The dim lighting of the Firehouse didn't blind your optics from waking, noticing that your wound was patched up from the weight against your side. You glanced over at the orange and white mech snoozing at your side, being able to vividly remember the events from before.
"B-Blades?" The sound of your weak vocals instantly shook the mech awake, his orange optics instantly landed on your own glowing (f/c) optics. Blades instantly stood, not wasting time in slamming his body against your own.
"(Y/n)!!" His arms locked around you giving you a tight squeeze that could've broken your patched side. All you could do was gently pat his back struts roughly, being at a loss of words from the amount of pain that surged your metallic body.
"I-I'm oka-" You could barely comprehend what was happening only seeing the mechs closed optics, and a warmth against your dermas.
"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy." Blades had pulled away just as fasted as he had kissed you, sheepishly rubbing the back of his helm with a large smile. You gave your own gentle smile, gripping his servo.
"I love you so much, I hope you know that Blades." You could feel him grip your servo back. No more words were spoken between the two of you, only the gentle rhythms of your spark beating on the monitor as you pulled the mech in for a gentler hug and returning the kiss.


I didn't know how to go about this, other than to make it super sappy and sad. Hopefully this was still okay though, and sorry if it's not.

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