TFP: Optimus Prime x Reader x Ultra Magnus pt. 2

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @UniqueWonders6 & @XoxiGonzalezLena
Description: I can't find any good pictures of these two! Anyway they are still going at it, trying to win over the reader although it's gotten more intense... enjoy(sorry it's short)!


You covered your ears at the two that argued, realizing they've become more childish as the days progressed.
"Will you two calm down for five minutes! Sheesh, all I wanna do is go home." Your voice went high pitched at the end as you whined, slumping onto the couch. Your body was more than exhausted, you swore that if you didn't get back into your comfy bed you'd end up slapping these two. Their arguing stopped, Ultra Magnus being the first to pick you up. His servo was gentle and warm, cradling you close to his helm. The familiar growl of the Autobot Leader was heard, he had the darkest most menacing expression it nearly woke up up.
"Return (y/n) to me, now." His voice was different, not just commanding, but very cold and angry. It surprised the two of you but Ultra Magnus didn't allow you out of his grasp, gently pulling you closer. You couldn't help but yawn snuggling into the warmth realizing you were still tired.
"I cannot follow that order sir." His voice was low, having a stronger stare as he looked into his Leaders optics. The two had a stare down for a few long minutes until the soft sound coming from your form broke their glare. The two glanced down at your form, cuddled up to the Commander not bothered at the problem at hand. Ultra Magnus felt his spark beat quicken, seeing you cuddled so close to him. Optimus on the other hand didn't enjoy it all to much, yes you were adorable but not within the commanders grasp. Without any hesitation the two watched as you curled up closer into the warmth that radiated off of the light blue mech. Ultra Magnus smirked glancing over at Optimus, have a cocky look in his optics,
"I do believe (y/n) has chosen who to stay with." He began to walk into his berthroom not giving a second glance toward his Leader.

The next morning you woke up against the chasis of the commander, his warm metallic body kept your cozy throughout the night. You gently rubbed your eyes, sitting up with a groggy expression. Feeling your hair being pet made you jump, slapping the hand away out of reflex. When you turned around to see who had touched your fluffy hair you realized it was Ultra Magnus. You gave an awkward smile, giving him a shy wave.
"Good morning Ultra Magnus," you gently allowed yourself to stand, stretching your limbs and climbing down the berth. The mech who still laid upon his berth had a visible blue hue forming on his face plates. Although you didn't pay any mind, deciding to go find something to eat.
The day went on with you begging Jack to have his mother bring food on her lunch break, and of course he couldn't resist the puppy eyes you gave.
You munched on the (f/f) that Jacks mom brought, she was surprisingly happy that someone wanted to eat the food she made. Without another beat to miss the rest of the day went by like a breeze, Miko being the amazing guitarist she is annoying Ratchet, and Raphael drove around with Bee doing whatever they usually do.
You snuggled into the couch, wrapped with the blanket Jacks mom brought, saying it was cold in the base. Trying not to make any noise you yawned stretching your libs before slouching back down, trying to relax on your day off. The sudden feeling of being lifted brought your from your thoughts, noticing it was Optimus. His large servo wrapped around your smaller form which was surprisingly comforting.
"Do you have a moment?" His voice was gentle and caring, as he lifted you up to his faceplates. You nodded smiling sleepily at the mech, who smiled the smallest smiles at your adorable composure. Gently rocking you, the mech began to walk toward his berthroom allowing himself to sit upon his berth letting out a sigh.
"I like you." It took you awhile to comprehend what he had said, until your eyes widened looking up at the mech. His faceplates were flushed a dark blue, bringing you closer to his faceplates gently grazing his dermas against your nose.
"What is going on!" The familiar voice of Ultra Magnus startled you, glancing over at the open door into the Primes room. His glare could kill, you put the blanket over your embarrassed self trying not to squeal of awkwardness. You fell back curling into a ball and hiding between the crook of the Leaders neckcables.
"None of your concern Commander, now please leave." Optimus had a daring gleam in his optics that put the light blue mech on edge, his optics went toward your form then away. He scoffed storming off not before saying something that made your awkwardness heighten.
"I kissed (y/n) first." And with that he strode off, you tried not to think about what he said finally remembering the beginning of the day.
You could feel the Leader shake beneath you, scooping you up and placing his dermas against your lips in a rough kiss that you could feel leave a bruise.
You decided form that day forward that if everyday was going to be a competition between the two, you might as well start spending your days at home. Already feeling you'd be pampered with more than enough affection from the two and Primus knows what else.


Honestly didn't know how to end it off, also sorry that it's short but I didn't want to make it a long part where you choose between them. Hopefully it was still okay for a short pt.2!

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