TFP: Bumblebee x Autobot!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @00SquishySquiddy00
Description: This was a femme request like all the others, but I like making it for everyone when it has no specifics as to why it's a female! Anyway! Just Miko telling Bumblebee that the reader like him! Enjoy!


Your servos ran along your back stretching your limbs, letting out a moan of satisfaction at the joints clicking. You felt yourself slump back onto your berth feeling annoyed at the noises from outside your room, hearing the strum of a guitar and the laughs of the two wreckers. Giving off a sigh you stood, stumbling your way to the door as it slide open allowing you to walk down the lit hallways. There was another strum of the guitar in a familiar toon, making your audials peak at the sound.
"You're finally awake sleepy head!" The familiar sound of Mikos playful voice made a smile form on your dermas, giving a lazy nod. You glanced around seeing the humans dancing, you glanced over at Bee who danced along to the beat with Raphael. The familiar feeling of a blush forming on your faceplates made you turn away, hiding the dimming of your (f/c) optics.
"Come on! Join in Sleepy." Miko walked over to you, giving a playful smile as you shook your helm. Only tapping to the beat of her strumming, which made her scoff and run back over to Bulkhead watching the wrecker try to dance along. After awhile of contemplating you decided to stop being such a lazy piece of scrap and dance along, Ratchet gave you a surprised look and so did a few others. Your dancing was a mix of all the formal and non formal dances that were seen from the humans, and even some from Cybertron it didn't feel graceful but the others would disagree. Miko tried to dance along with you, but ended up falling over stopping her music. You stopped and hunched over holding your side laughing at Miko, she gave you a goofy smile while she stood giving you a thumbs up.
"Where did you learn to dance like that? I didn't know you had any moves (y/n)." You rubbed your shoulder the (f/c) (2f/c) paint scraped off a bit but it didn't seem to affect you, giving an awkward smile you glanced down at Miko shrugging.
"Honestly I don't know, I felt kind of stupid." There was a few beeps of disapproval from Bumblebee speaking as he walked over to you, playfully nudging your shoulder. You gave your own smile while nudging the scout back, since you were both about the same height maybe you a little smaller. Miko seemed to laugh at the adorable behavior between the two of you, she spoke before thinking of any of the words that were about to come out,
"Are you guys dating yet?" The familiar voice of the human child chimed in your audials, your optics widened at the all knowing fact she knew. You knew it was bad to tell her, the tiny human femme can't keep her mouth shut!
"What no? Why would we ever!" Your voice was above your normal lazy tone, you shifted uncomfortably away from Bee and glanced down at Miko with a deadly glare. The other children were surprised at your sudden change of mood, and the fact Miko actually brought it up.
"Wait so you lied?" You felt a blush creep onto your faceplates shaking your helm while throwing your servos in the air, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"I didn't think you be shouting it out! What the scrap Miko!" You yelled and quickly stomped out of the room, leaving Miko stunned at your unusual out burst. Bumblebee had a blush on his own faceplates at the sudden outburst, looking down at Raphael who shrugged up at Bee. While everyone was in shock glancing down at Miko then at Bee, and down the hallway where you reatreated.
"Like it wasn't obvious." Miko yelled throwing her hands in the air, Raph laughed out loud and Bee running after your steaming form. The team nodded along with Mikos words realizing that she was indeed right, seeing as how close the two of you were to each other.
You slumped on your berth sighing loudly slamming your helm against it, mumbling angrily under your breath knowing it was stupid to think you could trust Miko. The sudden knock on your door made the lubricant brimming the edge of your optics stop, quickly wiping them away and going to the door. Clicking it open you seen the yellow scout, his baby blue optics showed an emotion you couldn't read.
"Sorry about Miko." You mumbled leaning against the door faking a smile, while motioning down the hallway. The yellow mech shrugged giving you a hug, which you didn't expect but you hugged back. Even if you weren't going to be lovers as long as you were friends, hopefully you could move passed this.
You train of thought was interrupted by the feeling of his lips against your own, the moment was so sudden it startled you into stumbling back. You couldn't comprehend the moment but the feeling of him gently cupping you cheek plating, while slipping his glossa between your dermas feeling every inch of your intake. You could hear his beeps and whirls, complete cybertronian filling your audials.
"I like you too." Then he went back to pressing his dermas against yours, not giving you time to breath. Your dermas moved in sync with each other, hardly noticing you've been kissing back until the yellow mech made a small whirl of approval. He pulled away hugging your again, letting out a few beeps while you were still dazed.


Hopefully ya liked it! I would say it's okay, I didn't know how to end it so...! Hope you approve.

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