TFP: Predaking x Hybrid!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @CheesyChikoku
Description: I guess reader is a half human dragon thing, I didn't know what to do so! Anyway reader was tired after being tested on by Shockwave but waited up for their friend to come visit them. Enjoy!


You laid against the bed eyes stinging from pain, and your body ached from all the tests you went through today. You allowed your body to shift uncomfortably on the hardly even warm blankets. The familiar glow of the bright red, one opticed, purple mech made you shudder. You could tell he was amused at your reaction to frequents tests, but also confused as to why you haven't went to sleep yet.

Being on the Nemesis was hard enough being something these beings had no idea of. You were much larger than the average fleshy, you even outlived the usual lifespan by thirty(30) years and didn't look a day older than your late twenties(20's), and just over all having the mutation of wings and a tail.
This mutation as a child sent you straight for being an outcast in the world, but your parents loved you endlessly mutations and all. You were bullied for look the way you do which brought your self esteem down. Although being here among cybertronians made you feel less weird. These gigantic beings were amazing, of course being among the Decepticon side they were pretty violent, short tempered and all out bad, but you loved your little family. Shockwave was the one to mention testings, and Megatron didn't seem to care, Knockout did find you fascinating much like everyone else did.
Here among them you felt normal, they didn't care you were weird for your mutations they just found you unique, especially Predaking. Predaking didn't really like you at first and neither did you but with frequent meetups with Shockwave you both got used to each other and, dare you say, began to form a bond of friendship but for you it was deeper than that.

You lied lifelessly for a few minutes wondering when he'd show. Your eyes began to grow heavy fighting back the urge to sleep. Your wings fluttered, hearing a familiar sound of the large steps of another dragon like creature. His large frame came into view behind Shockwave, who didn't seem fazed at the towering beast. You could feel the predacon move toward your form, allowing you to slip out of the cage and onto his muzzle.
"I can see you two have gotten better with each other. This may be due to you both being dragons, but I do wonder how that is since you're both different species and one of you isn't fully a dragon." The mech thought aloud before mumbling going back to the computer, typing in information and theories. You could feel the predacon shift, allowing you to land in his clawed servo.
"How are you today?" His voice was deep as usual, and it still made you shiver. Glancing over at the scientist then back at the predacon whispering to him, his audials twitched at your lowered voice.
The mech nodded before walking off, knowing Shockwave didn't care as long as you were under supervision.
When the two of you made it to the flight deck you stretched your wings flying around the larger mech. Your thick scaley tale twitched around, being able to relish in the sun and the cool breeze of the wind.
"I do like it here, although it is away from my home and family." You glanced back at the larger mech walking over to the edge of the deck letting your legs dangle. Predaking sat beside you, allowing himself to feel free along with you.
"I agree, but I do not know anything about family." His voice was soft as he spoke, he didn't show his pain but you could feel it. You gently sat up deciding to sit upon his shoulder plating, gently wrapping your tail around the back of his neck. You could hear a purr erupt within him as you stroked the side of his faceplates to comfort him.
"I'm sorry that such a thing is the way it is. But don't worry, I consider you family and a place I could call home away from home." You could feel him gently rub your back with his digit, being gently with its sharpness.
"I guess that is true. I am very glad to have someone such as yourself, (y/n). To be here with me." His voice was soft, soothing you to sleep against his neckcables. You could feel him chuckle at your behavior, not minding that you slept upon him. Your body and mind not knowing what you were doing. It may have been instincts but you could feel your body move.
"I like you a lot Predaking." Your voice was just above a whisper, placing a kiss against his neckcables while snuggling close to him. His optics widened at the confession but he didn't hesitate to smile, feeling happiness weld within his spark.
"As do I." His deep gruff voice didn't sound so soft, but it still managed to soothe you to sleep while his spark beat echoed in your head.


Sorry if this is short and bad! I didn't know how to go about a hybrid thingy human dragon! Ugh! I just hope it was at least decent for a first attempt! Idek what hybrid is, it's like a mutation and some wacky jazz!

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