Lemon: Sideswipe x Strongarm

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @Thatxatho
Description: Title says it all(short asf)... Enjoy!?


Strongarm chugged the shot of high-grade, getting a few surprised stares from the mechs around her. She didn't seem to mind, taking one after the other until a familiar hazy red mech walked over to her. His voice was muffled as she snorted at his unheard words, being lifted gently by the mech. The red mech carried the femme to where she recharged, but said femme began to get handsy. Sideswipe let out a huff, trying not to give into the intoxicated femme. Before the two could reach the femmes quarters, she had stumbled them into a pile of arranged junk that made their land softer.
The femme could barely remember a thing, except for the feeling of her dermas pressed against another. The femme begged and pleaded to be loved by the red mech, confessing her own pent up feelings. Their wants became needs, as the two interlocked with one another.
Strongarm moaned at the feeling of her valve being played with, her thoughts being interrupted. The red mech above her smirked at the sounds she made. With a gentle flick of his glossa he sent the femme into a moaning mess. Leaning against the pile of junk, she dug her digits into the dirt. The blue femme could feel the mech gently insert a digit into her, while his intake sucked against her node. Sideswipe let out an approved moan at the feeling of the femme tighten around his digits as transfluid dripped into his intake. The two shared a silent argument as Strongarm pressed her dermas against the mechs, both shared a moan as their glossa tangled together. The taste of the femmes own overload tickled her intake, with each gentle grind of the mechs hips they let out similar sounds. Sideswipe let out a groan of discomfort,
"Frag," his vocals were just above a whisper as he removed his code piece, his erect spike springing free. Strongarm's blue optics widened at the size of the mech, realizing he wasn't just all talk. Gently Sideswipe positioned himself over the blue femmes entrance, slowly moving his hips forward. The two let out a breathless sigh, Strongarm wrapping her arms around the mechs neck.
"S-Sideswipe." The femmes vocals trembled from the immense pleasure, as he began to move slowly, letting out a grunt with each thrust. The two shared another heated kiss, as the mechs engine revved at the tightness of the femme, who began to move her hips along with his trusts. Strongarm gasped at the feeling of the red mech picking up his pace, digging deep within her. The two shared a moment of looking into each other optics lovingly, before they both let out staggered breathes. Their fans kicking in on full gear, trying to cool their overheated bodies. Strongarm arched her back moaning out loud, Sideswipe didn't mind her sounds of pleasure not caring if anyone hear them.
"I'm g-gonna-Sideswipe-" the femme moaned breathlessly, feeling the knot in her tank begin to loosen. Sideswipe began to ram roughly into the femme beneath him, capturing her dermas once again. Their tongues moved in sync, their sounds were muffled as the two overloaded. They stayed still enjoying each other's presence for a second longer, before Sideswipe pulled out readjusting his code piece then gently placing a kiss upon the femmes forehelm, snuggling into her neck cables. Strongarm sighed happily, drifting slowly into recharge.


This is trash but I tried. This is the one and only time this is accepted, hopefully it was ok for an attempt.

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