TFP: Megatron x Neko!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @CheesyChikoku
Description: A Neko request! Waa! I'm not really good with animal type stuff, but I hope yalls are satisfied with this one. Just a Dark Lord petting his pet, nothing more nothing less! Enjoy!


His fascination for you may have been due to the fact you were unlike any of your species, or something he couldn't quite comprehend at the moment. The Decepticon Leader watched your small body snuggle into the comfort of the human berth, his red optics bore through the glass window and onto your snoozing form. The (f/c) ears and matching tail twitched as you slept, even though you were caged in a tiny space you were somehow sleeping peacefully.
The sound of clicking from the one opticed scientist was heard, taking in information of your sleep schedule and so on. Megatron let his hand land onto the mechs shoulder giving him a look, the scientist took it as a sign to leave. Megatron waited until the pede steps were gone and the sliding doors closed, when he gently slipped off the cover to you room. He slipped his servo around your form bringing you up to his faceplates in his palm, he gently allowed his digit to slide along the curve of your back.
The almost buzzing like sound that emanated from your form gave his audials a satisfied feeling, he gently brought his servo to your ears giving a scratch. He watched your form stir, rolling onto your back letting out another satisfied purr. The Leader felt an odd feeling in his spark chamber, feeling his metallic body move on its own as he brought his dermas against your head. Before allowing his digit to now glide along your front, going from your collarbone to your stomach then rubbing gentle circles. He watched your form snuggle into his touch, feeling the corners of his dermas perk.
A soft smile, none like any other, formed along his features. The Fearless Leader allowed his guard to subside, enjoy the interaction of you and himself in a moment of happiness. The moment your eyes fluttered opened, showing your (e/c) eyes that seemed to shimmer like no other star in the galaxy, he felt his spark thump loudly against his chasis. He was worried you'd question his motives but as he watched you rub against his servo, your ears perked and your tail swayed slightly, he felt relief fill his body.
He still didn't quite understand the feeling in his chasis, but he genuinely enjoyed it. Slowly he let himself sit down letting his shoulders slouch as he cradled you against his chasis. He let his optics offline, suddenly feeling you move. He onlined an optic looking down at you, your (h/c) hair was slightly fuzzed as you climbed along his frame. The feeling of you snuggling against his neck cables made him shiver, his spark beat quickened as he felt you gently kiss them. Your voice was so comforting to him, he had this overwhelming feeling in his processor that he couldn't pinpoint.
"Are you okay?" You voice was soft and gentle in his audials, for once he didn't know how to answer such a question, his processor blank.
"Yes, pet." his once powerful voice shook slightly, he felt you shift again. He looked over to see you staring up at him, everything about the way you looked at him made his body high. You had a certain look in your eyes that he couldn't read, he felt your hands lay against his  faceplates until he saw a small smile form.
"You're just being to nice today, but I enjoy this side of you." Somehow he felt his breath hitch, feeling his spark soar. He locked his blood red optics with your (e/c) eyes, felling entranced in them watching your smile turn into a toothy one. Your teeth he's always found beautiful, they were sharper than most humans but they suited you so well. Your ear twitched and your tail swayed, the baggy long sleeve shirt that covered your precious frame made his processor wander feeling his faceplates heat.
He jumped feeling your form retreat back to his palm, the warmth of your hands were still felt upon his faceplates. The sound of that same buzzing from before filled his audials, he gently pet your ears with a digit. His spark still ached but it felt more at ease than it did before, knowing it had to do with you willingly laying against him.
"I hope to always see this side of you My Lord." Your voice shook his audials, as he looked down at you again. You fragile form snuggling against his chasis, while your tail curled around your form and your ears flattened slightly. The way you laid felt more calm and less tense, a smile formed on his dermas again. Letting himself lean back letting out a relaxed sigh, allowing the feeling his his chasis to grow.
"You may call me Megatron, (y/n).."


I feel like I did a good job! Hopefully some of you think so as well, even though it was focused on Megatrons feelings. I still hope it was ok!

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