TFP: Megatron x Unicron Daughter!Reader

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(Don't own photo) ya can find the pic on deviantart
Requested by: @Sonicgal01
Description: So this was weird!! The Reader is made and finds the need for Dark energon, and that's where Megatron comes in since he had consumed a lot of Dark energon. The Reader ends up kind of being a puppy, and absolutely loving Megatron at first look.


Your optics and helm hurt badly, all you could feel was the constant pounding of drums against your audials. But that didn't stop your body from moving on it's own, even if the air around you was cold and barren.
In a matter of seconds you were already staring up at the night sky, both servos outstretched longing for another planet out there.
The twinkle of stars and the sudden urge to follow a familiar scent overpowered your body and mind, every circuit in your body moved together as you tried to get used to your body.
You sat up running your digits along the hard dirt ground below you, even if you had never seen or heard such sounds and seen such sights you already knew what was around you. This place felt so right, like you were meant to belong and were meant to enjoy the riches this planet provided. All of the rocks around you fit well with the dirt landscape and all of the dead trees added a touch of a word you couldn't place.
Your indulgence of the landscape didn't last long for in an instant the world around you hazed together at the scent again, your metallic body tingled with the purple haze that began to glow around you. There was a moment you heard a calling, a voice of someone you had never heard before but they still had a dark but light tone that brought a smile to your faceplates.
You heard someone call a name and it rolled in your audials, and with another deep inhale of the smell you eagerly followed the scent with an odd skip in your step. Your metallic plating moved along your body as you transformed, every limb folding in together as you flew out and above the clouds. Something about the fresh air hitting your jet form made you feel free, every few minutes you'd spin or do anything that felt risky enough for you. But every time you flew closer to the scent the more you lost track of yourself, and every ounce of dark energon coursing through your veins began to burn every tube and cable.

It hadn't been long before you were standing on both pedes walking through the woodlands, both servos touching every tree you had passed while the buzzing in your helm increased as your senses heightened. Just when you collapsed you could see a large mech standing near the forest lining. You admired from afar at his back turned away, only picturing the beauty he could possibly be.
His silver plating glowed with a purple aura you knew no one else could see, and something about the silver metal plating fit so well with the hazy mists of purple. You were to late too notice how your body had moved on it's own, both of your servos outstretched to run along the plating of his much larger frame.
In one quick motion his blade was drawn and pushed against your neck cables, you could tell he was able to rip your smaller form into tiny pieces and that's what you admired more. His ruthless, cunning nature fit so well with the  purple blood flowing through his body. Your own (f/c) and purple optics moved along his elegant broad form, his sharp denta lifted in a snarl while you finally noticed his bright glowing purple orbs.
"Who are you and what are you doing here." His voice was menacing, low and husky. All you could do was stare into his purple optics, your servos reaching up to hold the blade. Your body moved forward allowing your own blood to trickle down your frame, he seemed taken back at your fearless attempt to move closer to him.
The over powering smell filled your senses and in your own helm you could hear his name being said over and over, and over again. You could feel your body slump against the blade that was now pointed toward the ground, not noticing how weak you had become from your own loss of energon.
"Megatron..." his name rolled off your tongue like a sweet melody, every ounce of your being wanted to stay closer even if it meant death. You could barely see his faceplates lift in a smile as he reach down with his sharp strong servos to lift you up. Your processor filled with his memories, his thought and his lustful need for power. Something about the mech who held you close to his chassis made you yearn for his constant touch and presence. The sound of his voice sounded out again as his optics flared a little bit at your servo clenching tightly around his neckcables. And that's when you knew that he saw who your were, who you had belonged too and what your purpose was to him. The last thing your saw was his denta showing off in a large menacing smile, a smile that showed his want and need for something you could read and so much more that you could provide for him.
"(Y/n)... ——-." You could barely understand his words as you laid your helm against his chsssis even though all you knew was that his warmth filled an odd void in your tank that you didn't even knew you had.

You awoke within a berth, the thin sheet laid over your frame as a cherry red mech was present in the corner of your optics. His back was turned but you knew he couldn't see you had awoken yet.
Your helm twitched up to take a deep inhale that fueled your body, now noticing that it was coming from a container of dark energon. The purple glowing substance swished slightly at your sudden interest in it, but it didn't scare you like it would have most. There was a moment when you could smell that faint but familiar scent of Megatron, and how easily the energon and dark energon had mixed within him. It was an odd smell but you still moved out of the berth, ignoring the small gasp and worried words of the red mech that had finally noticed you.
You moved through the doors, holding onto the wall for some sort of support as you followed the strongest scent into a large open room. The room was filled with other bots you had never seen before, the scent was coming from the other side of the room. A sleek thin scented mech was on the other side standing beside the strongest scented mech. You understood now why the energon and dark energon smelt so off, the seeker was the one emitting it. The moment didn't last long when you had moved toward Megatron, both servos clenched to keep your urges back. But right when he turned around you could feel your knees shake, and your body temperature rise.
"Ah, (y/n). I see you've found your way around my warship, I knew it wouldn't be to hard for you." His voice shook with a dark chuckle that made you smile. The seeker was a bit shorter than you but you knew he was fascinated by your own purple hues. He didn't say a word, which you assumed was his way of showing respect for you and Megatron.
"Lord Megatron! (Y/n) has-" the red mech had stormed in with a worried expression but seeing you already beside his leader made his nerves calm down. Megatron glanced at Knockout and gave him a smug,
"Oh, I see (y/n) found her way here..." Knockout glanced at Megatron a hope that he wouldn't be mad that he didn't watch you like he should have.
"Indeed Knockout. Next time I would advise you too keep your eye on anyone that's in the medbay wether they be friend or foe." Megatron leaned down to place his servos on your shoulderplating to get a point across, even if you had no idea what was happening.
"Yes, My Lord." Knockout bowed his helm slightly before you and Megatron brushed past him. The leader was holding your shoulder still, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he lead you to an unknown area but you didn't mind only enjoying the musky scent that bathed around him.


I didn't want it to be super duper weird but it kind of turned out that way anyway! Sorry if it's baaaad I tried, I didn't know how to make it sound like the reader needs their own sites blood to live ya know?

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