TFP: Soundwave x Werewolf!Reader

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @InfiniteJackalg4m3r
Description: A werewolf reader request! The reader went on a mission to accompany Soundwave when they suddenly disappeared. After searching for the reader, Soundwave is attacked by a wolf creature. Enjoy!


You stumbled through the woods feeling your body ache, the burning sensation throughout your body felt like you've been sun burned. You tripped over a branch groaning in pain clenching your chest, you screamed in pain rolling in the dead leaves. Your arms began to slam roughly into the wet dirt, taking a handful as you felt your arms fuzz in pain. The tingly sensation from your arm traveled up your shoulder, to your back over your hips and down your legs hearing an audible crack. You howled in pain, feeling it reach your face hearing the bones crush in different tones forming a muzzle. Howling in anger your (e/c) eyes became glossy, the reflection of the moon on your (fur/color) mixed in with your usual (s/c) skin color made it shine. Paws hitting the ground as you ran through the trees, reaching a certain point upon the hill side, hunching over panting. You could see in the distance a familiar tall purple thin figure walking through the trees. You growled more at yourself, you seen the surround vehicons surrounding the figure. You stumbled down the hill, reaching the area around the bots feeling a burning hunger for violence. You felt your jaw clenched shut, slamming your claws into the ground jumping at a vehicon ripping open its neckcables. You could hear the blasters from his comrades, you growled before slamming your form into the helm of the closest one crawling around his frame. You sank your fangs into the tender flesh like cables, feeling the warm energon spraying onto your fur covered form. The feeling of a servo wrapping around your form made you reach up, quickly sinking your claws into the medal plating ripping it off and going for the soft cables and ripping them apart.
The vehicons dropped one by one around the communications officer, not knowing what was taking them out. He tried to locate the creature tearing his men apart, only until a wolf like creature ripped open the tender spot of a vehicon in front of him did he react. His thin tendrils slithered toward the creature, feeling its claws rip clean through them. The mech stumbled back in surprise at the brute strength of the wolf like creature, hearing it growl angrily stopping seeming to fight itself. The werewolf threw itself into a nearby tree growling, clawing angrily at it. The purple mech reached out to grab the dog only for it to rip open his servo plating, and claw open the cables spilling energon over its already blue coated fur. What surprised the mech even more was how fast it reacted to its own violent impulses, whimpering as its (e/c) eyes glistened in the moon light almost apologetically. He stopped starring into the eyes of the beast, a familiar feeling washed over the officer as he had a sudden urge to cradle the wolf. Before he could react anymore the creature ran off, dodging the trees going deeper into the forest. His processor ran back to your form that happily jumped through the ground bridge portal, that suddenly changed to fear at how dark it was outside. The mech thought back to when he had to handle the Autobots and when he looked back you were gone. The glisten in your (e/c) eyes flashed through his helm, and how you'd react when you were sad and scared. Then from recent events he remembered you talking angrily to yourself, when you thought he wasn't listening. He began to search for you once again, ignoring the fact he didn't have the vehicons around anymore.

He opened up a ground bridge about to leave, he searched all night for you but couldn't find a trace of you. Before he walked through the sudden sound of a pained groan filled his audials, he glanced around until his visor locked onto a form behind a tree. The thin mech allowed his tendrils to flow to its form, once they wrapped around the flesh he heard an audible moan. He pulled it out from behind the tree bringing it closer to his visor to see what it was, he could feel his metallic body stiffen noticing it was you. Your form was covered in dirt, dead leaves and energon, your usual happy expression was now churned in pain. The mech gently cradled you in his good servo, quickly rushing through the green and white swirling portal.

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