| Nightmares | Rescue Bots: Heatwave x Cody Burns

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(Don't own photo)
Requested by: @pineapplecup101
Description: Not a love story! Cody awoke from a very realistic nightmare, and not knowing who to go to. Due to his Dad being out of town, and the fear his older brothers and sisters will reject him. He decided to go find Heatwave, even if he wasn't always the best with understanding humans he was the closest to someone he could trust with his fears.


Cody ran as fast as he could, the scrapping behind him only seemed to grow closer. No one around him seemed interested in his cries for help, and their whispers only grew more intense. Every deep inhale was throat burning and every exhale seemed to shorten his lungs. His body was going numb from running, and he could already feel his body beginning to shut down. There was one final roar of a large predator behind him just as he reached a familiar driveway. The young Burns collapsed just outside the firehouse, tears falling down his cheeks as the towns people began to laugh.
"N-No, stop laughing!" All he could feel was the throbbing pain in his back as fire began to surround him, noticing now he was within a burning building.
The laughs of the people were the crackle of fire, the tears were now due to the smoke filled room, and the burning on his back was the flames inching closer to him.
His light brown eyes caught sight of the bots and his family outside, their backs were turned as they began to walk away. Once again the young blonde Burns called for them, banging his small clenched fists against the window. Cody took deeper and deeper inhales of smoke, feeling as if now he was suffocating from the ash and the smoke filled room.
"P-Please! D-Dad!" Cody made one final attempt to smash the window with his foot, which only caused glass to pluck at his hands and feet. His body went into free fall down the building that seemed way taller than before, and each floor held a darker and darker world within it. Just as the concrete came into view he was splashing in water barely keeping afloat in the waves.
The glass pieces were replaced by kelp snagging at his hands and feet, and his lungs were now burning from the amount of water that entered them.
Cody could see the floating lab, both Doc Greene and Francine were turned away. He tried begging for help once again, but every word was gurgled by water. His eyes closed for only a second to try and pry himself from the kelp, but just as his eyes opened he was now underwater. The young Burns could feel his eyes sting and lungs burn, his body exhausted from trying to free himself. Cody allowed himself to succumb to this endless pain. He felt as if no one loved him, as if everyone he loved didn't care for him, and the fact that he will forever be unappreciated for everything he tried to do for his friends and family.
Cody took one final glance up at the waters rippling surface, not feeling the kelp releasing his body. Something about this felt so amazingly right, but just as he closed his eyes his body spazzed with a huge amount of force that made him horrified of his mind even thinking death was okay. In a few short seconds he had taken one last gulp of water before his body came to its senses.

Cody shot up in his bed grabbing ahold of his blankets, which caused his knuckles to turn white. Tears were still falling down his face, and with every few short gasps of air it felt amazing within his lungs. The young Burns reflected on his dream and noting how every bit of it felt so real, but it was far from it. He didn't know what to do or how to handle such a vivid and horrific nightmare.
Cody couldn't find comfort in his dads hold since he had already left on a trip to the mainland.
The young Burns thought for awhile, still trying to keep his sniffles contained but it was so hard to control. He slowly got out of bed and moved toward his bedroom door trying not to make a sound, and by the time he stepped into the hallways he let out a deep exhale of air. With every step he took the more he felt worse, his body could barely handle how weak his state of mind had made him. The click of the door opening was louder than he had hoped it to be, he slide the door open slightly and made his way through. He shut the door quietly then made his way along the stretch down stairs, he still held his arms close to him to keep his body from falling apart.
In less than a few seconds he made in through another door, his hands gliding along the rail while looking around the bunker. Cody made a swift movement to find the room that belong to the very Leader he was hoping to find a bit of comfort in. The mech wasn't always the best for it but Cody felt comfortable enough going to someone close enough to a fatherly figure.  In a few short knocks the door slide open, and the red mech stood glancing down at the young blonde until new tears began to spill down his face again.
"Cody, what's wrong?" Heatwave leaned down with a scared and nervous look, finding it hard to understand how to comfort a crying human child. Cody tried to calm his cries but only found more pain in the thought of the dream,
"I-I had a really bad nightmare... I didn't know who else to go to." Cody finally looked up with misty brown eyes, but once his locked with Heatwave's orange ones he couldn't help but cry more. He thought of how in his dream he was once turned away, not even hearing his cry for help, or even coming to aid in his rescue.
Heatwave leaned down to try and comfort Cody, only being able to wipe a few stray tears from his smaller face. The young Burns wrapped his arm around Heatwave's servo crying more harshly, and every few seconds he'd hiccup from how much he had been crying. The Rescue Bot leader sighed using his other servo to lift the crying boy, he tried to hold him to his chassis even though he still had no idea what he was doing.
"It's okay, Cody. I don't know how nightmares work but I know they aren't real." Heatwave slowly leaned against his berth with a sad sigh.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" He didn't know what else to say or do, and with Cody's silence he couldn't tell if he was asleep or angry. After a few moments Cody had began to explain his dream, how it felt so real, and how he felt he was abandoned by his own family and friends.
"I-I've been feeling more down lately, and ever since Frankie found out about you I feel like no one really needs or cares for me anymore." Cody took a deep inhale before moving closer to Heatwave hoping it would ease his pain.
Heatwave didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to feel but he did know that he absolutely didn't like the usual happy Cody being sad. After a few minutes of Heatwave trying to pick his words, he finally moved to hold Cody closer in an attempt to hug him.
"Cody, you have an important place in this team, in this family. We'll be here for when you need us, we aren't going anywhere. I promise to protect you, no matter what happens I'll always be here for you as well as my team and your family. We love you and nothing will happen to you while we're here." Heatwave let out a deep sigh while glancing down at Cody, who had nearly fallen asleep. Heatwave realized then just how horrifyingly real human dreams could be, and how much it takes out of their energy. The mech knew he would gladly be there for any other nightmares the youngling had, and will forever comfort him when he needed it.


Sorry if this was trash! I know I don't do character x character shii, but yeah I liked this idea plus it wasn't gonna be all weird and yeah... anyway! I actually came up with a title, so if y'all have any good ideas for the part titles then lmk!

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